The best way to connect with new people around you! Bridge is designed to simplify and facilitate social interactions by creating a virtual version of any public place. Communicate and share information with people nearby: - Create your own profile - Check-in to your current location - Connect with others checked-in to the same location How often are you at a place where there is the potential for social interaction? - Bar, Gym, Restaurant, Concert, Sporting Event, Networking Event, Festival, etc. - For the first time ever, everyone checked in to the same place/event can communicate and share information with each other Society (in general) has a growing concern over the impact social media has on people’s lives (especially children) - Control over information - Impact on mental health - The decline of in-person interactions (frequency and quality) The inspiration for Bridge: Enjoy the benefits of social media while minimizing the negatives - Bridge is intended to function as a tool - Designed to facilitate social interactions (rather than promote and encourage the addiction to a false sense of reality) Here is the app EULA link: