Welcome to the fast video chat app! On the fast video chat, you can connect with thousands of people from all over the world in a fun environment. Our community reporting system helps make sure that people chatting on fast video chat are following our terms of use. Chat with confidence and meet interesting people just like you instantly. Our lightweight chat platform makes video chat easy without sacrificing great features. Simply agree with our terms of use and privacy policy, allow access to your camera, and then click on the large "Start" button to be instantly connected to a new and interesting person. You can even filter connections by location or age. The fast video chat has thousands of users online at all times. If you want to meet someone new, simply click the "Next" button and you will be connected with a new stranger right away. It’s so simple to make hundreds of new friends, maybe you will even find that special someone. Our features: * Fast Connection * Fast registration * Fast support By using "Fast Video Chat", you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Terms of use https://fast-chat.app/TermsofUse.html Privacy policy https://fast-chat.app/PrivacyPolicy.html