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Cue Health
Smart Health Platform
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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False positive and many test kits not working

By Bob&X   

False positive and many test kits not working

06/29/2024 16:03:31
Invalidated tests

By sdavidmiller   

Add me to the list of people who just lost hundreds of dollars worth of tests because of cue’s attempt to remotely invalidate them via an app update. No answers to their phone line, and if other reviews are to be believed, no answer from their email support is forthcoming.
Completely fraudulent behavior. Outrageous.

06/22/2024 12:55:21
I wouldn’t purchase it myself

By Likan999   

I received this from my company I wouldn’t use it if I needed to pay. There are a few observations:
1. It needs to charge for a few hours before we can use it. I don’t get COVID often (does anyone do?) so whenever I feel I have a fever and I want to test for it, it’s been unused for months and is out of battery. The fact I have to wait for hours defeats the selling point of the device that gives you results quickly.
2. Failure rate is high. It failed 2 out of 5 times of testing for me, and it’s very expensive. Although it gives you replacement for free but I believe there is limited number of times you can get the offer.
3. Test cartridge has short life time. I believe it must be used less than one year after manufacture. This is bad as I don’t get COVID often so cartridges are usually expired the next time I want to use them. If I can’t store them then I need to order it and wait for days before I can test. Unlike the normal cheaper COVID test that you can ignore the expiration if you can tolerate a small chance of inaccuracy. This test is electronic and it can check the expiration easily and there won’t be option for you to ignore the expiration.
4. The most important reason that drove me to post this review is it no longer works for me any more. I must have hit some bugs. I have a reader that’s fully charged, connected and shown up in the reader list, but after I click “start a new test” there is no way for me to move forward and use it. This is so annoying because I need to quickly get the result before I can decide whether or not to go to my workplace and online supports are unavailable.

06/12/2024 10:19:52
Do not purchase any more cue products!

By UnhappyFormerCueCustomer   

This is my third attempt to write a complete review and warning about cue’s dangerously fraudulent business practices! App Store keeps kicking me out! Short version: Cue no longer sells COVID cartridges at all, due to fda warning issued in may 2024: too many false negatives after cue made unapproved changes to cartridge chemistry after receiving emergency approval in 2020. Cue has closed all, means of communication, and fda recommends users discard all unused test kits. This app will NOT allow you to use those test kits, so you are out $50 for each of those. APPLE Should remove this app for the App Store asap!

06/11/2024 16:54:10
Bricked our tests, no customer service

By RobCoyle   

I’ve used the device successfully in the past, but they must have changed something recently. I can no longer use the tests that we have, even though have not expired. I’ve tried calling their help line, but apparently that number has been deactivated. I’ve also tried emailing their support, but it’s been several days without a response. It’s very frustrating to have several tests at hand that are apparently useless. Also, apparently the FDA has recalled their tests for giving the wrong results, so maybe that’s why they’ve bricked these tests, in which case the 1 star rating is valid.

06/07/2024 14:36:43
No data yet.No data yet.
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