perry is the #1 menopause community app. We are connecting and supporting warriors across perimenopause and menopause. Join our sisterhood today! Because perimenopause is easier, when you are not alone. What you can expect from your perry sisterhood perry community JOIN - Groups related to specific perimenopause and menopause related topics CHAT - Chat in group conversations or directly with new perry friends SHARE - Ask questions, share your personal experiences and advice perry support LEARN - Easy to understand, research-backed courses & tutorials by our panel of menopause experts ENGAGE - Regular live events with menopause experts discussing specific topics & questions in detail GROW - Reassurance and knowledge. You are not alone in this. Here is what our perry sisters say "perry is a safe space to connect with other women going through perimenopause, to learn from them and to share what we have learned both personally and professionally" - Mary "It's no longer necessary to feel isolated during this vulnerable stage of our life. I finally know I am not going crazy and have my sisterhood to support me" - Lisa "I really appreciate a private forum to support and be supported by women who are struggling with peri and menopause . Lived experience of those in peri and menopause is such a valuable resource to women" - Leslie