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Watcher of Realms
Next-Gen Fantasy RPG
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Not as advertised

By Brebrestarr   

Deleted within 5 minutes. A tower defender w mid graphics all except for the characters which you see only when you’re checking them and their skills out or whatever. Not though to keep me, and definitely not what I was hoping for. I play tower defenders but even this one is meh at best.

07/11/2024 05:25:56

By Klaydenpr   

Buen juego hermosas gráficas y la historia a otro nivel 10/10

07/09/2024 04:08:22
Captivating gameplay

By Wopman76   

I’ve been playing for many months now. Have accumulated quite the showroom of epic hero’s with exceptional powers (each unique), the game offers a lot of strategic thought with decent rewards for completion of tasks and missions. Not as simple as lining up 4 or so warriors to fight each other in repeated combat, instead you must think of which hero will compliment his or her allies the best, given the goal at hand. Strategic thought needed. Gaining high level hero’s is easier than some other games. Tutorial is a bit linear but after that the game takes off. Lots of fun

07/07/2024 11:55:16
Tutorials are to slow

By Tutorials are too slow   

The game is a great game. IBeen playing since October 2023 and I only complain about the game is with a tutorial. I know way past it right now but still I actually had just had to go to that couple weeks ago but I’m so disappointed it’s like I’ve been at lunch I was on the game for an hour, but yet I still getting tutorials like you’re getting for a couple weeks just not as much

07/06/2024 00:15:27
Great game...But

By SterFryAK   

It's an awesome game. Love the graphics, concept, story and gameplay. But you guys have to let us recover resources. If I put xp into a 3 star to progress through the game then get a 5, I should be about to recover all materials from my 3 star to put into my 5 star. Almost every game has this option I suggest y'all do the same.

07/04/2024 13:18:03
Better off playing something else.

By AmberTurd   

The gacha rates are so bad. Dont bother investing in this. Heroes with a 0.5% drop rate. $30-$50 skins when you cant pull any heroes.

07/02/2024 04:52:04
Best hero game out there

By OoGamer00   

I normally don’t write reviews but this game deserves recognition. Pros: 1. Hero progression 2. Legendary pull rate (decent) 3. Easy to get gear and upgrade materials 4. graphics are very well done 5. If you decide to pay real money it’s actually worth what they ask 8. Game play makes you think and is not super easy Great job making this game! Thank you Cons: pvp system is whack

07/01/2024 14:54:05
What a great game!

By Great game! However    (This review has been deleted)

This game is AMAZING, with cool graphics, gameplay, and even character backstories! Events happen constantly so you don’t get bored or run out of things to do! I also think that this is the farthest from a pay-to-win game at all! However, I do think that the ancient summons are unfair. I bought a $40 pack with the three headed version of Ymiret and ten ancient summons, but I only got rare characters I already have. Please change this asap cause I want Ymiret! Overall, great game just fix ancient summons.

07/01/2024 08:51:33

By Wesxo   

Fun game, tutorial way too long tho

07/01/2024 02:18:46
So far im enjoying the game

By Silent_Cat   

I like the design of the every character and the g physics

06/30/2024 01:23:42
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