Mae ap symudol TrawsCymru yn dy ganiatáu i brynu a dilysu tocynnau bws ar wasanaethau TrawsCymru. Mae teithwyr yn gallu chwilio am arosfannau penodol a gweld gwybodaeth am amserlen y eu taith. Swyddogaethau: Gellir defnyddio ap TrawsCymru i brynu a storio tocynnau i deithio ar wasanaethau bws TrawsCymru. Mae yna beiriant tocynnau ar y bws i ddilysu'r tocynnau. Mae teithwyr yn gallu chwilio am arosfannau penodol ar y map a gwirio llwybrau bysiau ac amserau ymadael o'r arosfannau hynny. Mae TrawsCymru yn cysylltu cymunedau trwy fysiau pellter mawr ar draws Cymru a chaiff ei noddi gan Lywodraeth Cymru. The TrawsCymru mobile app allows you to purchase and validate bus tickets on TrawsCymru services. Passengers can search for specific stops and see scheduled information for their route. Functions: The TrawsCymru app can be used to purchase and store tickets for travel on TrawsCymru Bus services. The tickets are validated via the ticket machine upon boarding. Passengers can search for specific stops on the map, and check bus routes and departure times from those stops. TrawsCymru connects communities through long-distance bus travel across Wales, and is sponsored by the Welsh Government.