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Crunchyroll: Battle Chasers
A JRPG made in America - based on the famous comic book series.
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I can't log out or enter a different email account

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hello Simon, we're sorry for the inconvenience with Battle Chasers. Please create a support ticket using this link: https://games.help.crunchyroll.com/ to further investigate the situation. 🤲️

07/08/2024 09:58:17

Great fun! I've just finished the game. Had a good time doing so. Now I'm thinking about new game+ 😁 P.S. Would love to see more

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hello Sam, thank you for your positive feedback about Battle Chasers. Please don't hesitate to share any ideas or suggestions using this link: https://games.help.crunchyroll.com/. Have a great day! 🤗️

07/07/2024 16:50:57

I like the game so far but there was some type of server issue or something and I could not log in. deleted and reinstalled app to insure it was not the device and now save data is gone. I would continue to play if I could retrieve the data but will not start over. thanks.

0 0
07/03/2024 09:49:11

Cant play it says 401 unable to verify jwt Edit: devs contacted me fixed the issue thanks for reaching out

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hello Joshua, we're sorry for the inconvenience in Battle Chasers. Please create a support ticket using this link: https://games.help.crunchyroll.com/ to further investigate the situation. 👏️

07/03/2024 02:26:15

I keep running into JWT Verify error

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hello Michael, we're sorry for the inconvenience in Battle Chasers. Please create a support ticket using this link: https://games.help.crunchyroll.com/ to further investigate the situation. 👏️

07/03/2024 01:26:47

Okay, here we go: so, i was discussed to HandyGames and he said that need to release separate version. I mean, HandyGames does has exclusive rights, right?, but not like this. Well, you can like Netflix can do, but delisting this game is kinda disappointed. Well, i could tell to HandyGames and it's not right, it's disappointed how players who bought that so wasted, so confused and mysteriously absent of this game. Please, tell to HandyGames.

1 0
06/29/2024 19:34:04
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