Enjoy Meme App Generator FREE for a limited time. No. 1 in Meme Generator on the App Store The best memes generator and with the most number of memes available from the AppStore. NEW: now create and share animated GIFs. Now with Social Network included! Now you can vote the memes of the community with your Likes. You can follow your friends and share your best memes, comment on the memes that you like the most and much more ... In addition you can also share your best memes with your friends natively with the Mensages app or any of your other apps like Whatsapp, Instagram, Line, WeChat, Talk, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, ... Sending it to your friends is super easy: 1. Create and edit your meme 2. Select share 3. Select the app you want to send it to 4. Select the contact to whom you want to send it 5. Laugh with your friends We have all the most popular memes in the market. Main features: - Create and share animated GIFs - Hundreds of memes updated daily - Categorized memes - Pro Editor of memes - Social network included to give Like or comment on the best community memes - Share the created memes with your friends in any of your social networks - Extension for iMessage What are you waiting for? Download now the best Memes Creator of the AppStore, it is FREE for a limited time.