Educational cards for your baby. During the first two-three years of life a child gets 70% of knowledge about the world. Baby’s brain is rapidly developing, that’s why it is so important to give him a new information constantly. But it should be done correctly. Methodics of American physioterapist Glenn Doman will help your child learn animals, colors, fruits, letters, words and much more very quickly. Simple controls, lifelike pictures, studio narration and sounds — enjoy it with the whole family! THE CARDS WILL HELP YOUR CHILD — Train memory — Develop attention — Improve logic — Develop associative thinking — Stimulate speech skills — Remeber letters and words — Create a holistic picture of the world HOW IT WORKS Cards are realistic pictures with white background which are grouped by themes. There’s a name of an object under every picture. Narrator pronounces the name of each object to help your child remember what is on the picture and how to spell its name. REALISTIC PICTURES All images are made in a realistic manner — your child will have a truthful picture of the world. SOUNDS Soft female voice pronounces names of the objects depicted in the cards. You can also disable voice acting in the options and pronounce names of the objects by yourself. Cards have their own sounds! Frog croaking, dog barking, cat meowing — sounds help your baby remember more information about the subject and make memorizing easier. MANY CATEGORIES Many categories of cards are presented in increasing order of difficulty: pets, fruits, transport, body parts, numbers, letters, natural phenomena, emotions and so on. You can complicate tasks as your child grows — the app will be interesting and useful for a long time. LEARNING LETTERS AND WORDS The app teaches to pronounce words syllable by syllable, making it easier to memorize them. SIMPLE AND ENTHRALLING Even grandparents will understand how to use the app in no time. And as your baby grows up, it will be easy for him to play with cards independently. In the app settings you can: — Enable or disable the narrator voice — Change the language — Split the words into syllabes — Switch on the vowels highlighting You can also leaf through the cards manually or enable slide show mode. Learn and have fun!