*這是一個真誠的征婚交友平台。 *不用去相親角,隨時隨地直接發布征婚啓事。可以爲自己發布;爲子女操碎了心的父母,也可以在這裏爲兒女發布征婚信息! 這裏的目的只有找到對的人走向戀愛和婚姻的殿堂。編輯最能體現您自己的性格、工作等等個人情況相關信息。同時認真思考、編輯您想要找什麽類型的人。將啓事發布出去,本APP會默默爲您牽上紅線! 現代網絡媒體發達,可以通過衆多渠道去找對象,選擇越多,反而失去了最應該有的耐心和誠意。所以本APP不設置各種條件,不推崇天女撒花、蜻蜓點水的找對象方式。更看重的是您的內心告白和想清楚要找的人。編輯好自己的征婚啓事,認准一個您最喜歡的啓事,獲取TA的聯系方式,認真去溝通,會更有效。 十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠。祝您找到如意的另一半! ********************** *Directly post marriage and friends notices: This is a sincere platform for marriage and friends. Want to find a lover, want to find a partner, want to marry, just post an announcement! This is the most efficient! *You can directly add contact and send messages directly. Communicate as you wish! *You don't need to go to the blind date corner, and you can directly publish your marriage announcements for free anytime, anywhere. You can post it for yourself; parents who have broken their hearts for their children can also post marriage information for their children here! *Private speech function: the most core inner speech is only shown to the most attentive people! This APP is equivalent to a mobile blind date corner, there is no need to go to the park blind date corner or the sorority party to run around. The purpose here is only to find the right person to the palace of love and marriage. Editing can best reflect your own personality, work and other personal information related to your situation. At the same time, think about and edit what type of people you want to find. By posting the notice, you can get to know people you like or be known by people who like you! Publish marriage and love notices with a clear purpose, sincere attitude, publicity, and the most efficient! The modern Internet media is developed, and you can find people through many channels. The more you choose, the more patience and sincerity you should have. Return to sincerity here, do not set various conditions, and do not praise the way of finding lover of the goddess who sprinkles flowers and licks the water. What is more important is your inner confession and the person you are looking for. Edit your own marriage notice, look for one of your favorite notices, get his/her contact information, and communicate seriously, which will be more effective. Ten years of repairing can get on the same boat, and a hundred years of repairing can sleep together. Wish you find a happy other half! Walk into the palace of marriage.