Boy meets girl against a backdrop of magical battles in a dramatic visual novel! -- Story -- At a young age, Yuu Kisaragi received magical powers from a mysterious old man. He longed to use them to defeat evil, but in the end, he was never given the opportunity. Cut to the present. Yuu is living as a perfectly ordinary young guy, until one day he rescues a beautiful girl. Her name is Michaela, and she is a witch with a sorrowful fate. From that day on, Yuu’s life starts to change for the weirder. There are sorcerers after the girl, and a chaotic battle is closing in on him, whether he's ready for it or not. -- Official website -- Introducing characters and others. -- Support information -- * The game offers English and Japanese languages ONLY. * If any errors are found while playing, please report them to us by E-mail before posting them in a review. We will fix the errors as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding. * Please feel free to E-mail us with any questions regarding the game. Thank you! -- Unsupported devices / Trouble shooting -- Please check this information. -- Acknowledgements --