“Map & Talk” helps you when you use taxi and tell your destination in Japan, Taiwan or China. You know the place name, but it's difficult to tell it in local language.... Now, it's easy with the app. Only select a place from map or Bookmark, then the app makes translated sentence and speaks it in Japanese or Chinese. You can ask people “Please go to Tokyo station” or “Could you tell me the direction to Fushimi Shrine” etc. in local language. You don’t need to learn Japanese or Chinese. "Speak" and "Bookmark" functions are available even if you are offline. You can use these key functions at no wifi places. “Map & Talk” is a free app and easy to use: + Select a place on the map Find a place nearby you or searching with keywords. Only tapping a place on the map to select. Now it's ready to say. + Make sentence automatically App generates and shows sentences in Japanese or Chinese according to your objective such as “tell your destination”, “ask the direction”, “ask about time” or “ask about fare”. + Speak it in local language Once you got the sentence, tap “speak” icon. App speaks it in Japanese or Chinese. + Easy and Quick access from Bookmark You can also access places from Bookmark. It has about 300 popular sightseeing spots in Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Hokkaido), Taiwan(Taipei and Kaohsiung) and China (Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong and Macao). + Make your own preference Bookmark You can add any places to Bookmark. Save places on the map such as the hotel where you're staying, sightseeing spots and restaurants where you will visit today. You can ask the guide for those places to local people without searching wifi spot in town. + Useful phrases App has useful phrases when you are in taxi, you want to ask something in town or you enjoy shopping. Choose a phrase, speak it in Japanese or Chinese. + Available even offline Bookmark and Phrases functions are working even you are offline. You can talk sentences from them anytime, anywhere. Free version has limitation such as 10 times speech and disable to add your preference Bookmark. Once upgrade, you can unlock these limitations and remove ads. “Map & Talk” app will help your travel. Now, you can get navigation from locals. It makes your travel Japan or China more memorable.