Swim, jump and fly for your life before it's too late! A beach should be a dream place... But when a tiny fish loses its mom, a new adventure begins! Hurry up Pilu! The water is going away! They all love Pilu! "a bombshell in its category!" (ipadou.com) "find it to be pretty fun!" (tipb.com) "drawn into the game and the speed" (topappli.com) --- Highlights --- • super sonic speed! • Incredible mega jumps • Easy "one touch" gameplay: touch the screen = swim up don't touch = fall down • Restart from any unlocked level • Horrible crabs and creatures to destroy • Dozens of colorful levels • Thousands of coins to collect • Extra-powers to get and manage • Beautiful daily procedural graphics • Game Center enabled to share your progress • ... and much more to discover! Now it's your turn to enjoy it!