HeyCrowd is a mobile application where you can vote on an endless stream of quizzes, ask the crowd, discover what people think and meet new people. It's fun, it's your new addiction. SEE WHAT THE CROWD THINKS HeyCrowd is the best way to instant poll the crowd. Voting on the endless stream of questions and discovering what people think is so addictive that people have voted more than 60 millions times. Today it's more than 1 million vote per day. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS Write a post and publish it to the "crowd" of your choice, get feedback from the community, and engage in discussions in the comments. Meet people who share your interests, chat with them in private messages. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAYS The Next Web - "Taking surveys is a time-waster, and getting answers to your burning questions can help you make one decision or another. HeyCrowd is a beautifully designed app for iOS that serves both of those purposes." Robert Scoble - "Fun polling app for iPhones" WHAT HEYCROWDERS SAY Brian Erickson - "Love the redesign - Really awesome way to get feedback on questions you've got, as well as see what other people are thinking about. It's easy and fun to contribute your answers. This app continues to get more and more functional. I love the way it looks and there is a great user base that's always asking and answering new questions." DrummerDeity- "Huge fan - App continues to improve and get more and more functional. Always find interesting questions, and it's got utility I didn't expect. Love it!" Lydia290 - "I'm totally in love with this game - Hey crowd is the best game ever" Epictina - "I'm in love - I'm litteraly in love with this app I nearly love it more than my boyfriend ...!!"