Professional Airline Pilot logbook application to track and record flight time and to calculate FAR117 flight time regulations. - Add multiple flights to create a trip (sequence) of flights. - Filter past and future flight events. - Add flight and non-flight type events (training, office ...). - Optionally create an iCal or Google calendar event. - Track medical events for FAA MedEx form completion. - Track FAA medical currency. - Editable Fields: - Flight Number - Ship Numbers - Training Events - Instructor Data - Hotel Information - Departure and Arrival Airport Info - Out, Off, On, In Times (UTC, Local or Device Time Zones) - Calculated Day/Night Time - Fuel Plan Data - Aircraft Weight Plan Data - Instrument Time (Actual & Simulated) - Approach and Landing - Crew Names and Compliment (Augmented) - Notes - FAR 117 Data (this function is still in development and testing phase) - Totals (Cumulative, Filtered, Trip Sequence, Currency, Aircraft Type) - Sync and backup to AeroTrax server