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HEY Email
Email at its best, by Basecamp
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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No keyboard shortcuts in mobile app for iPad

By Tardum   

The iPad app works like the iOS app. Which is fine, except without keyboard shortcuts it’s not very useful. Better to use it in the browser on iPad. The mobile apps have also been buggy lately when taking actions on email (not returning to the previous screen automatically, etc)

07/14/2024 11:12:50
Abandoned and disillusioned after years of use

By Spam.Sencer   

Update: **Another** year with no significant updates or improvements. The product just has not gotten better at all, and does not justify the recurring subscription.
I was on the waitlist and joined Hey when it launched. It was an incredibly promising concept and felt like the refreshing change I needed in email. Unfortunately, there have been almost zero improvements to the service or the app in nearly an entire year (except for an email they sent us all touting some new calendar functionality coming “next year”). The number one biggest issue with Hey is that neither their iOS nor Mac app is native. It’s just a weird wrapper around a webpage with some (bad) keyboard shortcuts mapped to it. Feature discovery is low. It’s difficult to get back and fourth between different views / folders / messages. And, because the apps aren’t native, they don’t do the most basic things you’d expect from a native app, like remembering your scroll position. Part of me wants to be forgiving of this… it’s costly to ship a native product to every platform. But after years, I’d expect significant improvements to the web-based experience so it feels more native, or a jump to native. If they opened up an API, I’d make a native client in heartbeat… Second big issue: search. It’s buggy, unreliable, rarely provides the results you’re looking for, and oftentimes the UI just completely freaks out and suddenly you’ve got no idea what you’re looking at. Again, if this was a native app, maybe this wouldn’t be an issue, but since it’s a webpage inside an app… it’s a mess. Third: The Screener. This was the feature that got me to switch to Hey in the first place! What a great idea! Except that they’ve completely abandoned it, haven’t made a single improvement to it, added any of the tools myself or other customers ask for, and don’t seem to be phased by it’s rigidity and difficulty to use. I enrolled in the Spam Corps program thinking it might improve things… it hasn’t. Then there’s a plethora of little annoyances and issues throughout the app / service that make it almost painful to use. Why is everything just shoved into the “Hey” junk drawer / hamburger menu? I have to scroll through an asinine list to get to my “Clips” (another of their flagship features), which would be super useful… if I didn’t have to dig through endless UI just to get to them. Why can’t I set a specific TIME to “Bubble up” a message? Bizarrely, the only options are today at 6pm… or just pick another day. I could go on. But, my hope is that someone, somewhere at Hey will see this and realize that all of us who use and love Hey really really just want you to continue making it better. Actually better. Please.

07/12/2024 15:10:23
Don’t use if seeking privacy.

By Jeffstuffstuff   

A “disposable” email address would most likely be in my thought to prevent giving your real email. However, it would be just as easy to create an alternate Gmail account or yahoo account, etc. I found it very interesting that one of the great reviews spoke about how such a polished and perfect app on its first try seems to have come from the gods. Well, if you look at the information that it collects it collects as much information as Google it shares your contacts the fact you can log into it directly with your Google. Login tells me that there’s nothing private about it. the reason Google and Facebook have no government oversight seems so obvious. Why would the government spend billions of dollars to develop technology to track you “for the deep state. The deep state is in fact, Google, Facebook, etc. why create the infrastructure to get the information when everyone already, practically pays them to take it. If you can remember back when Google and Facebook first started, then you can remember that is the same time you started getting barcode for stores to get the discounts. For those of you who think your phone is listening to you or using your camera, odds are it might be. That would be because your employer can buy a product called G suite from Google and if you ever login to your personal email on a work computer or phone from that point on they have access to your personal emails. They will say it is to prevent sales of company secrets however, it also monitors if you send a job application if you interact with competitors, many nudes you may have ever sent… however, after a lot of research, the correlation with the barcodes or typing in your phone number, CVS or Walgreens is to simply connect you to your purchases, and all that information is owned by Facebook. It did not occur to the stores until much later that they could also use the information. So if you were looking for a disposable email, that is absolutely tracked – read- saved not obviously owned by Google yet you can sign in using your login then HEY might just be for you.

06/17/2024 15:39:14
No data yet.No data yet.
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