Made to Wander is a social app specifically built for travellers that give users directions to every posts. Each photo is geotagged so we can show you where it was taken, but the best part is that we also show you how you can get there with a breakdown of each leg of the trip. Flight, train, bus, ferry, taxis, share car and walking – its all covered. Save travel lists for later and use our route-finder to get you to the places you’ve saved. With no ads and no algorithm that forces you to look at things you aren’t interested in, we always put our users first. Our aim is to be the number one travel app to save you time with planning so you can spend more time travelling. Features include:  
• Geotagged photos so you know where a photo was taken.
 • List of multi-modal transport options that show you how to get to where a photo was taken with time and cost estimates. Plus contact details for each operator.
• See where others have been nearby 
• Save lists so you can easily navigate from one location to the next