Shadow - Safe & Convenient "Photos" Hidden Tool Shadow is a safe、convenient and simple-use tool for hiding your private photos. Millions of people trust "Shadow" and use it, as Shadow uses special encryption way to protect users' special photos exactly. Shadow Advantages 1. Keep the photos you pointed to be hidden in "Photos" 2. View the hidden photos in "Shadow" only after the password verification 3. Password request at every entry time 4. Local encryption process in mobile without server involvement 5. Never saving your password in the remote server 6. No way for password forgotten, Please remember it accurately Shadow Use 1. Open "Shadow" App, Click "Encrypt", Import photos from your album and encrypt 2. When finishing, if "Hide" option is preferred, the new photo will be invisible in "Photos" 3. You can also choose whether to "Delete the original photo" or not in "Photos" 4. The photo can be reviewd in "Shadow" after the password verfication That's all. It's simple. Hope "Shadow" helpful for you.