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24Task: Hire Freelancers
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  • Version8.9


    App Description

    帶有 Gig 的 24Task 雇主應用程序

    使用 24Task Employers 應用程序開始為您的項目招聘最優秀的人才。 24 Task 是一個著名的自由職業者平台,允許雇主一次發布多個職位和詳細信息,並立即與自由職業者合作。


    您還可以查看 Gig 列表並選擇符合您項目要求的最佳人才。 Gig 指定了他們的產品和成本,這有助於您正確分析他們並將他們的服務與其他自由職業者進行比較。

    無需花費大量時間尋找合適的人才,而是在我們的應用程序中探索超過 90,000 名自由職業者的整個人才庫,然後直接通過您的手機僱用適合您需求的人。我們的全球自由職業者網絡擁有 400 多種工作類別的 4000 多種技能的專業知識。


    無論您是在尋找內容營銷人員、移動開發人員還是平面設計師,請放心在幾分鐘內僱用您想要的資源。我們為超過 400 多個領域的自由職業者提供服務。


    視頻和動畫:2D 動畫師、3D 動畫師、攝像師、配音師、視頻製作人、音樂製作人等等。

    數據科學與分析:定量分析師、統計專家、R 開發人員和程序員、SQL 開發人員等等。

    設計:標誌設計師、攝影師、海報設計師、用戶體驗設計師、網頁設計師、宣傳冊設計師、Adobe Photoshop 專家等。


    網站開發:錯誤修復開發人員、區塊鏈開發人員、自定義網站建設者、自由 PSD 轉換器、Magento 開發人員等等。

    銷售和營銷:B2B 營銷人員、諮詢專家、數字營銷人員、Google Adsense 專家、鏈接生成器、潛在客戶生成器等。

    使用 24Task Employer 應用程序,您有機會建立聯繫並發展您的虛擬團隊池,以便及時完成您的項目。在此處查看 24Task 提供的所有服務。

    24 任務如何為招聘人員工作
    • 免費發布招聘信息:將您的招聘信息發佈到全球市場,等待自由職業者對其報價進行投標以完成您的工作。
    • 僱用自由職業者:查看對您的工作表現出興趣的自由職業者的評論、作品集和簡介。比較他們的報價並僱用最適合工作的人。

    • 完全滿意後補償:與自由職業者檢查工作狀態,只有在您對他們的工作感到非常滿意後才發放付款。

    • 促進您的搜索選項:從您要查找的指定類別中選擇演出。例如,如果您正在尋找 Web 開發人員,請點擊 Web 開發人員類別以查看多個可用選項,然後將擁有令人印象深刻的作品集並因其以前的工作獲得好評的人列入候選名單。

    • 選擇合適的計劃:演出以三種不同的模式提供服務。根據您的項目要求和預算,選擇最適合您的計劃。

    • 下達付款:完成付款後,演出開始處理項目並在給定期限內提交。如果您對他們的工作感到滿意,請釋放金額,或者如果您覺得需要,則要求修改。

    以自己的方式探索人才。發布職位並像專業人士一樣僱用自由職業者。下載 24Task Employer 應用程序,並有機會與全球最優秀的人才聯繫,實時完成您的工作。如有任何疑問,請隨時通過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。

  • Version8.8


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    帶有 Gig 的 24Task 雇主應用程序

    使用 24Task Employers 應用程序開始為您的項目招聘最優秀的人才。 24 Task 是一個著名的自由職業者平台,允許雇主一次發布多個職位和詳細信息,並立即與自由職業者合作。


    您還可以查看 Gig 列表並選擇符合您項目要求的最佳人才。 Gig 指定了他們的產品和成本,這有助於您正確分析他們並將他們的服務與其他自由職業者進行比較。

    無需花費大量時間尋找合適的人才,而是在我們的應用程序中探索超過 90,000 名自由職業者的整個人才庫,然後直接通過您的手機僱用適合您需求的人。我們的全球自由職業者網絡擁有 400 多種工作類別的 4000 多種技能的專業知識。


    無論您是在尋找內容營銷人員、移動開發人員還是平面設計師,請放心在幾分鐘內僱用您想要的資源。我們為超過 400 多個領域的自由職業者提供服務。


    視頻和動畫:2D 動畫師、3D 動畫師、攝像師、配音師、視頻製作人、音樂製作人等等。

    數據科學與分析:定量分析師、統計專家、R 開發人員和程序員、SQL 開發人員等等。

    設計:標誌設計師、攝影師、海報設計師、用戶體驗設計師、網頁設計師、宣傳冊設計師、Adobe Photoshop 專家等。


    網站開發:錯誤修復開發人員、區塊鏈開發人員、自定義網站建設者、自由 PSD 轉換器、Magento 開發人員等等。

    銷售和營銷:B2B 營銷人員、諮詢專家、數字營銷人員、Google Adsense 專家、鏈接生成器、潛在客戶生成器等。

    使用 24Task Employer 應用程序,您有機會建立聯繫並發展您的虛擬團隊池,以便及時完成您的項目。在此處查看 24Task 提供的所有服務。

    24 任務如何為招聘人員工作
    • 免費發布招聘信息:將您的招聘信息發佈到全球市場,等待自由職業者對其報價進行投標以完成您的工作。
    • 僱用自由職業者:查看對您的工作表現出興趣的自由職業者的評論、作品集和簡介。比較他們的報價並僱用最適合工作的人。

    • 完全滿意後補償:與自由職業者檢查工作狀態,只有在您對他們的工作感到非常滿意後才發放付款。

    • 促進您的搜索選項:從您要查找的指定類別中選擇演出。例如,如果您正在尋找 Web 開發人員,請點擊 Web 開發人員類別以查看多個可用選項,然後將擁有令人印象深刻的作品集並因其以前的工作獲得好評的人列入候選名單。

    • 選擇合適的計劃:演出以三種不同的模式提供服務。根據您的項目要求和預算,選擇最適合您的計劃。

    • 下達付款:完成付款後,演出開始處理項目並在給定期限內提交。如果您對他們的工作感到滿意,請釋放金額,或者如果您覺得需要,則要求修改。

    以自己的方式探索人才。發布職位並像專業人士一樣僱用自由職業者。下載 24Task Employer 應用程序,並有機會與全球最優秀的人才聯繫,實時完成您的工作。如有任何疑問,請隨時通過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。

  • Version8.7


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    帶有 Gig 的 24Task 雇主應用程序

    使用 24Task Employers 應用程序開始為您的項目招聘最優秀的人才。 24 Task 是一個著名的自由職業者平台,允許雇主一次發布多個職位和詳細信息,並立即與自由職業者合作。


    您還可以查看 Gig 列表並選擇符合您項目要求的最佳人才。 Gig 指定了他們的產品和成本,這有助於您正確分析他們並將他們的服務與其他自由職業者進行比較。

    無需花費大量時間尋找合適的人才,而是在我們的應用程序中探索超過 90,000 名自由職業者的整個人才庫,然後直接通過您的手機僱用適合您需求的人。我們的全球自由職業者網絡擁有 400 多種工作類別的 4000 多種技能的專業知識。


    無論您是在尋找內容營銷人員、移動開發人員還是平面設計師,請放心在幾分鐘內僱用您想要的資源。我們為超過 400 多個領域的自由職業者提供服務。


    視頻和動畫:2D 動畫師、3D 動畫師、攝像師、配音師、視頻製作人、音樂製作人等等。

    數據科學與分析:定量分析師、統計專家、R 開發人員和程序員、SQL 開發人員等等。

    設計:標誌設計師、攝影師、海報設計師、用戶體驗設計師、網頁設計師、宣傳冊設計師、Adobe Photoshop 專家等。


    網站開發:錯誤修復開發人員、區塊鏈開發人員、自定義網站建設者、自由 PSD 轉換器、Magento 開發人員等等。

    銷售和營銷:B2B 營銷人員、諮詢專家、數字營銷人員、Google Adsense 專家、鏈接生成器、潛在客戶生成器等。

    使用 24Task Employer 應用程序,您有機會建立聯繫並發展您的虛擬團隊池,以便及時完成您的項目。在此處查看 24Task 提供的所有服務。

    24 任務如何為招聘人員工作
    • 免費發布招聘信息:將您的招聘信息發佈到全球市場,等待自由職業者對其報價進行投標以完成您的工作。
    • 僱用自由職業者:查看對您的工作表現出興趣的自由職業者的評論、作品集和簡介。比較他們的報價並僱用最適合工作的人。

    • 完全滿意後補償:與自由職業者檢查工作狀態,只有在您對他們的工作感到非常滿意後才發放付款。

    • 促進您的搜索選項:從您要查找的指定類別中選擇演出。例如,如果您正在尋找 Web 開發人員,請點擊 Web 開發人員類別以查看多個可用選項,然後將擁有令人印象深刻的作品集並因其以前的工作獲得好評的人列入候選名單。

    • 選擇合適的計劃:演出以三種不同的模式提供服務。根據您的項目要求和預算,選擇最適合您的計劃。

    • 下達付款:完成付款後,演出開始處理項目並在給定期限內提交。如果您對他們的工作感到滿意,請釋放金額,或者如果您覺得需要,則要求修改。

    以自己的方式探索人才。發布職位並像專業人士一樣僱用自由職業者。下載 24Task Employer 應用程序,並有機會與全球最優秀的人才聯繫,實時完成您的工作。如有任何疑問,請隨時通過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。

  • Version8.6


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    帶有 Gig 的 24Task 雇主應用程序

    使用 24Task Employers 應用程序開始為您的項目招聘最優秀的人才。 24 Task 是一個著名的自由職業者平台,允許雇主一次發布多個職位和詳細信息,並立即與自由職業者合作。


    您還可以查看 Gig 列表並選擇符合您項目要求的最佳人才。 Gig 指定了他們的產品和成本,這有助於您正確分析他們並將他們的服務與其他自由職業者進行比較。

    無需花費大量時間尋找合適的人才,而是在我們的應用程序中探索超過 90,000 名自由職業者的整個人才庫,然後直接通過您的手機僱用適合您需求的人。我們的全球自由職業者網絡擁有 400 多種工作類別的 4000 多種技能的專業知識。


    無論您是在尋找內容營銷人員、移動開發人員還是平面設計師,請放心在幾分鐘內僱用您想要的資源。我們為超過 400 多個領域的自由職業者提供服務。


    視頻和動畫:2D 動畫師、3D 動畫師、攝像師、配音師、視頻製作人、音樂製作人等等。

    數據科學與分析:定量分析師、統計專家、R 開發人員和程序員、SQL 開發人員等等。

    設計:標誌設計師、攝影師、海報設計師、用戶體驗設計師、網頁設計師、宣傳冊設計師、Adobe Photoshop 專家等。


    網站開發:錯誤修復開發人員、區塊鏈開發人員、自定義網站建設者、自由 PSD 轉換器、Magento 開發人員等等。

    銷售和營銷:B2B 營銷人員、諮詢專家、數字營銷人員、Google Adsense 專家、鏈接生成器、潛在客戶生成器等。

    使用 24Task Employer 應用程序,您有機會建立聯繫並發展您的虛擬團隊池,以便及時完成您的項目。在此處查看 24Task 提供的所有服務。

    24 任務如何為招聘人員工作
    • 免費發布招聘信息:將您的招聘信息發佈到全球市場,等待自由職業者對其報價進行投標以完成您的工作。
    • 僱用自由職業者:查看對您的工作表現出興趣的自由職業者的評論、作品集和簡介。比較他們的報價並僱用最適合工作的人。

    • 完全滿意後補償:與自由職業者檢查工作狀態,只有在您對他們的工作感到非常滿意後才發放付款。

    • 促進您的搜索選項:從您要查找的指定類別中選擇演出。例如,如果您正在尋找 Web 開發人員,請點擊 Web 開發人員類別以查看多個可用選項,然後將擁有令人印象深刻的作品集並因其以前的工作獲得好評的人列入候選名單。

    • 選擇合適的計劃:演出以三種不同的模式提供服務。根據您的項目要求和預算,選擇最適合您的計劃。

    • 下達付款:完成付款後,演出開始處理項目並在給定期限內提交。如果您對他們的工作感到滿意,請釋放金額,或者如果您覺得需要,則要求修改。

    以自己的方式探索人才。發布職位並像專業人士一樣僱用自由職業者。下載 24Task Employer 應用程序,並有機會與全球最優秀的人才聯繫,實時完成您的工作。如有任何疑問,請隨時通過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。

  • Version8.4


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    帶有 Gig 的 24Task 雇主應用程序

    使用 24Task Employers 應用程序開始為您的項目招聘最優秀的人才。 24 Task 是一個著名的自由職業者平台,允許雇主一次發布多個職位和詳細信息,並立即與自由職業者合作。


    您還可以查看 Gig 列表並選擇符合您項目要求的最佳人才。 Gig 指定了他們的產品和成本,這有助於您正確分析他們並將他們的服務與其他自由職業者進行比較。

    無需花費大量時間尋找合適的人才,而是在我們的應用程序中探索超過 90,000 名自由職業者的整個人才庫,然後直接通過您的手機僱用適合您需求的人。我們的全球自由職業者網絡擁有 400 多種工作類別的 4000 多種技能的專業知識。


    無論您是在尋找內容營銷人員、移動開發人員還是平面設計師,請放心在幾分鐘內僱用您想要的資源。我們為超過 400 多個領域的自由職業者提供服務。


    視頻和動畫:2D 動畫師、3D 動畫師、攝像師、配音師、視頻製作人、音樂製作人等等。

    數據科學與分析:定量分析師、統計專家、R 開發人員和程序員、SQL 開發人員等等。

    設計:標誌設計師、攝影師、海報設計師、用戶體驗設計師、網頁設計師、宣傳冊設計師、Adobe Photoshop 專家等。


    網站開發:錯誤修復開發人員、區塊鏈開發人員、自定義網站建設者、自由 PSD 轉換器、Magento 開發人員等等。

    銷售和營銷:B2B 營銷人員、諮詢專家、數字營銷人員、Google Adsense 專家、鏈接生成器、潛在客戶生成器等。

    使用 24Task Employer 應用程序,您有機會建立聯繫並發展您的虛擬團隊池,以便及時完成您的項目。在此處查看 24Task 提供的所有服務。

    24 任務如何為招聘人員工作
    • 免費發布招聘信息:將您的招聘信息發佈到全球市場,等待自由職業者對其報價進行投標以完成您的工作。
    • 僱用自由職業者:查看對您的工作表現出興趣的自由職業者的評論、作品集和簡介。比較他們的報價並僱用最適合工作的人。

    • 完全滿意後補償:與自由職業者檢查工作狀態,只有在您對他們的工作感到非常滿意後才發放付款。

    • 促進您的搜索選項:從您要查找的指定類別中選擇演出。例如,如果您正在尋找 Web 開發人員,請點擊 Web 開發人員類別以查看多個可用選項,然後將擁有令人印象深刻的作品集並因其以前的工作獲得好評的人列入候選名單。

    • 選擇合適的計劃:演出以三種不同的模式提供服務。根據您的項目要求和預算,選擇最適合您的計劃。

    • 下達付款:完成付款後,演出開始處理項目並在給定期限內提交。如果您對他們的工作感到滿意,請釋放金額,或者如果您覺得需要,則要求修改。

    以自己的方式探索人才。發布職位並像專業人士一樣僱用自由職業者。下載 24Task Employer 應用程序,並有機會與全球最優秀的人才聯繫,實時完成您的工作。如有任何疑問,請隨時通過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。

  • Version8.3


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    24Task Employer App with Gig 
    Title: 24Task: Hire Freelancers
    Subtitle: Post jobs, get proposals & hire the best freelancers within minutes

    Take the initial steps towards hiring the best talents for your project with the 24Task Employers app. 24 Task is a reputed freelancing platform that allows employers to post multiple jobs and details at once and collaborate with the freelancers in no time.

    Gain more efficiency with our employer’s app when it comes to hiring freelancers and enhancing your workflow. 

    You can also check the Gig list and choose the best talent that meets your project requirements. The Gig specifies their offerings and their cost, which helps you analyze them properly and compare their services with other freelancers.

    Instead of investing hours searching for the right talent, explore the entire pool of over 90,000 freelancers at our app and then hire the one that suits your requirement right from your mobile. Our worldwide network of freelancers possesses expertise in more than 4000 skills across 400+ categories of work. 

    Post jobs and then check the quotations of the freelancers. Read their reviews, compare them, and hire the one that best fits your job.

    Whether you are looking for a content marketer, mobile developer, or graphic designer, rest assured to hire the resource you want in minutes. We offer freelancers for over 400+ categories of area. 

    Some of them include:

    Video & Animation: 2D Animators, 3D Animators, Videographer, Voice Talent, Video Producers, Music Producers, and many more. 

    Data Science and Analytics: Quantitative Analysts, Statistics Specialists, R Developers and Programmers, SQL Developers, and many more.

    Design: Logo Designers, Photographers, Poster Designers, UX Designers, Web Designers, Brochure Designers, Adobe Photoshop Experts, etc. 

    Writing: Cover Letter Writers, Academic Writers, Article Curators, Medical Writers, Product Description Writers, etc.

    Website Development: Bug Fixing Developers, Blockchain Developers, Custom Website Builders, Freelance PSD Converters, Magento Developers, and many more.

    Sales & Marketing: B2B marketers, Consultation Experts, Digital Marketers, Google Adsense Specialist, Link Builder, Lead Generators, and more. 

    With the 24Task Employer app, you get an opportunity to create a bond and develop your pool of virtual teams for timely completing your projects. Check all the services 24Task offers here.

    How 24 Task Work for Recruiters
    • Post Jobs for Free: Put your job posting into the global marketplace and wait for freelancers to bid on their quote to complete your work.

    • Hire Freelancer: Check the reviews, portfolio, and profiles of the freelancers showing interest in your work. Compare their quotes and hire the one that best fits the job.

    • Compensate After Getting Full Satisfaction: Check the work’s status with the freelancers and release the payment only after you are fully elated by their work. 

    How Gig Works
    • Facilitate your Search options: Select the gig from the specified category you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a web developer, tap on the web developer category to view multiple options available and shortlist the one who has an impressive portfolio and received good reviews for their previous work.

    • Select the suitable plan: The gig offers its services in three different modes. Depending on your project requirement and your budget, choose the plan that suits you the most.

    • Release the payment: Once you complete the payment, the gig starts working on a project and submitting it within the given deadline. Release the amount if you are delighted with their work or request for revision if you feel the need. 

    Explore talent your way. Post jobs and hire freelancers like a pro. Download the 24Task Employer app and get an opportunity to connect with the best talent from across the globe to get your work done in real-time. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Version8.2


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    24Task Employer App with Gig 
    Title: 24Task: Hire Freelancers
    Subtitle: Post jobs, get proposals & hire the best freelancers within minutes

    Take the initial steps towards hiring the best talents for your project with the 24Task Employers app. 24 Task is a reputed freelancing platform that allows employers to post multiple jobs and details at once and collaborate with the freelancers in no time.

    Gain more efficiency with our employer’s app when it comes to hiring freelancers and enhancing your workflow. 

    You can also check the Gig list and choose the best talent that meets your project requirements. The Gig specifies their offerings and their cost, which helps you analyze them properly and compare their services with other freelancers.

    Instead of investing hours searching for the right talent, explore the entire pool of over 90,000 freelancers at our app and then hire the one that suits your requirement right from your mobile. Our worldwide network of freelancers possesses expertise in more than 4000 skills across 400+ categories of work. 

    Post jobs and then check the quotations of the freelancers. Read their reviews, compare them, and hire the one that best fits your job.

    Whether you are looking for a content marketer, mobile developer, or graphic designer, rest assured to hire the resource you want in minutes. We offer freelancers for over 400+ categories of area. 

    Some of them include:

    Video & Animation: 2D Animators, 3D Animators, Videographer, Voice Talent, Video Producers, Music Producers, and many more. 

    Data Science and Analytics: Quantitative Analysts, Statistics Specialists, R Developers and Programmers, SQL Developers, and many more.

    Design: Logo Designers, Photographers, Poster Designers, UX Designers, Web Designers, Brochure Designers, Adobe Photoshop Experts, etc. 

    Writing: Cover Letter Writers, Academic Writers, Article Curators, Medical Writers, Product Description Writers, etc.

    Website Development: Bug Fixing Developers, Blockchain Developers, Custom Website Builders, Freelance PSD Converters, Magento Developers, and many more.

    Sales & Marketing: B2B marketers, Consultation Experts, Digital Marketers, Google Adsense Specialist, Link Builder, Lead Generators, and more. 

    With the 24Task Employer app, you get an opportunity to create a bond and develop your pool of virtual teams for timely completing your projects. Check all the services 24Task offers here.

    How 24 Task Work for Recruiters
    • Post Jobs for Free: Put your job posting into the global marketplace and wait for freelancers to bid on their quote to complete your work.

    • Hire Freelancer: Check the reviews, portfolio, and profiles of the freelancers showing interest in your work. Compare their quotes and hire the one that best fits the job.

    • Compensate After Getting Full Satisfaction: Check the work’s status with the freelancers and release the payment only after you are fully elated by their work. 

    How Gig Works
    • Facilitate your Search options: Select the gig from the specified category you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a web developer, tap on the web developer category to view multiple options available and shortlist the one who has an impressive portfolio and received good reviews for their previous work.

    • Select the suitable plan: The gig offers its services in three different modes. Depending on your project requirement and your budget, choose the plan that suits you the most.

    • Release the payment: Once you complete the payment, the gig starts working on a project and submitting it within the given deadline. Release the amount if you are delighted with their work or request for revision if you feel the need. 

    Explore talent your way. Post jobs and hire freelancers like a pro. Download the 24Task Employer app and get an opportunity to connect with the best talent from across the globe to get your work done in real-time. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Version8.1


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    24Task Employer App with Gig 
    Title: 24Task: Hire Freelancers
    Subtitle: Post jobs, get proposals & hire the best freelancers within minutes

    Take the initial steps towards hiring the best talents for your project with the 24Task Employers app. 24 Task is a reputed freelancing platform that allows employers to post multiple jobs and details at once and collaborate with the freelancers in no time.

    Gain more efficiency with our employer’s app when it comes to hiring freelancers and enhancing your workflow. 

    You can also check the Gig list and choose the best talent that meets your project requirements. The Gig specifies their offerings and their cost, which helps you analyze them properly and compare their services with other freelancers.

    Instead of investing hours searching for the right talent, explore the entire pool of over 90,000 freelancers at our app and then hire the one that suits your requirement right from your mobile. Our worldwide network of freelancers possesses expertise in more than 4000 skills across 400+ categories of work. 

    Post jobs and then check the quotations of the freelancers. Read their reviews, compare them, and hire the one that best fits your job.

    Whether you are looking for a content marketer, mobile developer, or graphic designer, rest assured to hire the resource you want in minutes. We offer freelancers for over 400+ categories of area. 

    Some of them include:

    Video & Animation: 2D Animators, 3D Animators, Videographer, Voice Talent, Video Producers, Music Producers, and many more. 

    Data Science and Analytics: Quantitative Analysts, Statistics Specialists, R Developers and Programmers, SQL Developers, and many more.

    Design: Logo Designers, Photographers, Poster Designers, UX Designers, Web Designers, Brochure Designers, Adobe Photoshop Experts, etc. 

    Writing: Cover Letter Writers, Academic Writers, Article Curators, Medical Writers, Product Description Writers, etc.

    Website Development: Bug Fixing Developers, Blockchain Developers, Custom Website Builders, Freelance PSD Converters, Magento Developers, and many more.

    Sales & Marketing: B2B marketers, Consultation Experts, Digital Marketers, Google Adsense Specialist, Link Builder, Lead Generators, and more. 

    With the 24Task Employer app, you get an opportunity to create a bond and develop your pool of virtual teams for timely completing your projects. Check all the services 24Task offers here.

    How 24 Task Work for Recruiters
    • Post Jobs for Free: Put your job posting into the global marketplace and wait for freelancers to bid on their quote to complete your work.

    • Hire Freelancer: Check the reviews, portfolio, and profiles of the freelancers showing interest in your work. Compare their quotes and hire the one that best fits the job.

    • Compensate After Getting Full Satisfaction: Check the work’s status with the freelancers and release the payment only after you are fully elated by their work. 

    How Gig Works
    • Facilitate your Search options: Select the gig from the specified category you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a web developer, tap on the web developer category to view multiple options available and shortlist the one who has an impressive portfolio and received good reviews for their previous work.

    • Select the suitable plan: The gig offers its services in three different modes. Depending on your project requirement and your budget, choose the plan that suits you the most.

    • Release the payment: Once you complete the payment, the gig starts working on a project and submitting it within the given deadline. Release the amount if you are delighted with their work or request for revision if you feel the need. 

    Explore talent your way. Post jobs and hire freelancers like a pro. Download the 24Task Employer app and get an opportunity to connect with the best talent from across the globe to get your work done in real-time. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Version8.0


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    24Task Employer App with Gig 
    Title: 24Task: Hire Freelancers
    Subtitle: Post jobs, get proposals & hire the best freelancers within minutes

    Take the initial steps towards hiring the best talents for your project with the 24Task Employers app. 24 Task is a reputed freelancing platform that allows employers to post multiple jobs and details at once and collaborate with the freelancers in no time.

    Gain more efficiency with our employer’s app when it comes to hiring freelancers and enhancing your workflow. 

    You can also check the Gig list and choose the best talent that meets your project requirements. The Gig specifies their offerings and their cost, which helps you analyze them properly and compare their services with other freelancers.

    Instead of investing hours searching for the right talent, explore the entire pool of over 90,000 freelancers at our app and then hire the one that suits your requirement right from your mobile. Our worldwide network of freelancers possesses expertise in more than 4000 skills across 400+ categories of work. 

    Post jobs and then check the quotations of the freelancers. Read their reviews, compare them, and hire the one that best fits your job.

    Whether you are looking for a content marketer, mobile developer, or graphic designer, rest assured to hire the resource you want in minutes. We offer freelancers for over 400+ categories of area. 

    Some of them include:

    Video & Animation: 2D Animators, 3D Animators, Videographer, Voice Talent, Video Producers, Music Producers, and many more. 

    Data Science and Analytics: Quantitative Analysts, Statistics Specialists, R Developers and Programmers, SQL Developers, and many more.

    Design: Logo Designers, Photographers, Poster Designers, UX Designers, Web Designers, Brochure Designers, Adobe Photoshop Experts, etc. 

    Writing: Cover Letter Writers, Academic Writers, Article Curators, Medical Writers, Product Description Writers, etc.

    Website Development: Bug Fixing Developers, Blockchain Developers, Custom Website Builders, Freelance PSD Converters, Magento Developers, and many more.

    Sales & Marketing: B2B marketers, Consultation Experts, Digital Marketers, Google Adsense Specialist, Link Builder, Lead Generators, and more. 

    With the 24Task Employer app, you get an opportunity to create a bond and develop your pool of virtual teams for timely completing your projects. Check all the services 24Task offers here.

    How 24 Task Work for Recruiters
    • Post Jobs for Free: Put your job posting into the global marketplace and wait for freelancers to bid on their quote to complete your work.

    • Hire Freelancer: Check the reviews, portfolio, and profiles of the freelancers showing interest in your work. Compare their quotes and hire the one that best fits the job.

    • Compensate After Getting Full Satisfaction: Check the work’s status with the freelancers and release the payment only after you are fully elated by their work. 

    How Gig Works
    • Facilitate your Search options: Select the gig from the specified category you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a web developer, tap on the web developer category to view multiple options available and shortlist the one who has an impressive portfolio and received good reviews for their previous work.

    • Select the suitable plan: The gig offers its services in three different modes. Depending on your project requirement and your budget, choose the plan that suits you the most.

    • Release the payment: Once you complete the payment, the gig starts working on a project and submitting it within the given deadline. Release the amount if you are delighted with their work or request for revision if you feel the need. 

    Explore talent your way. Post jobs and hire freelancers like a pro. Download the 24Task Employer app and get an opportunity to connect with the best talent from across the globe to get your work done in real-time. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Version7.9


    Update Log

    We've made improvements to the stability of our app and fixed more bugs.

    If you love our app, please leave us a rating and review! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

    App Description

    24Task Employer App with Gig 
    Title: 24Task: Hire Freelancers
    Subtitle: Post jobs, get proposals & hire the best freelancers within minutes

    Take the initial steps towards hiring the best talents for your project with the 24Task Employers app. 24 Task is a reputed freelancing platform that allows employers to post multiple jobs and details at once and collaborate with the freelancers in no time.

    Gain more efficiency with our employer’s app when it comes to hiring freelancers and enhancing your workflow. 

    You can also check the Gig list and choose the best talent that meets your project requirements. The Gig specifies their offerings and their cost, which helps you analyze them properly and compare their services with other freelancers.

    Instead of investing hours searching for the right talent, explore the entire pool of over 90,000 freelancers at our app and then hire the one that suits your requirement right from your mobile. Our worldwide network of freelancers possesses expertise in more than 4000 skills across 400+ categories of work. 

    Post jobs and then check the quotations of the freelancers. Read their reviews, compare them, and hire the one that best fits your job.

    Whether you are looking for a content marketer, mobile developer, or graphic designer, rest assured to hire the resource you want in minutes. We offer freelancers for over 400+ categories of area. 

    Some of them include:

    Video & Animation: 2D Animators, 3D Animators, Videographer, Voice Talent, Video Producers, Music Producers, and many more. 

    Data Science and Analytics: Quantitative Analysts, Statistics Specialists, R Developers and Programmers, SQL Developers, and many more.

    Design: Logo Designers, Photographers, Poster Designers, UX Designers, Web Designers, Brochure Designers, Adobe Photoshop Experts, etc. 

    Writing: Cover Letter Writers, Academic Writers, Article Curators, Medical Writers, Product Description Writers, etc.

    Website Development: Bug Fixing Developers, Blockchain Developers, Custom Website Builders, Freelance PSD Converters, Magento Developers, and many more.

    Sales & Marketing: B2B marketers, Consultation Experts, Digital Marketers, Google Adsense Specialist, Link Builder, Lead Generators, and more. 

    With the 24Task Employer app, you get an opportunity to create a bond and develop your pool of virtual teams for timely completing your projects. Check all the services 24Task offers here.

    How 24 Task Work for Recruiters
    • Post Jobs for Free: Put your job posting into the global marketplace and wait for freelancers to bid on their quote to complete your work.

    • Hire Freelancer: Check the reviews, portfolio, and profiles of the freelancers showing interest in your work. Compare their quotes and hire the one that best fits the job.

    • Compensate After Getting Full Satisfaction: Check the work’s status with the freelancers and release the payment only after you are fully elated by their work. 

    How Gig Works
    • Facilitate your Search options: Select the gig from the specified category you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a web developer, tap on the web developer category to view multiple options available and shortlist the one who has an impressive portfolio and received good reviews for their previous work.

    • Select the suitable plan: The gig offers its services in three different modes. Depending on your project requirement and your budget, choose the plan that suits you the most.

    • Release the payment: Once you complete the payment, the gig starts working on a project and submitting it within the given deadline. Release the amount if you are delighted with their work or request for revision if you feel the need. 

    Explore talent your way. Post jobs and hire freelancers like a pro. Download the 24Task Employer app and get an opportunity to connect with the best talent from across the globe to get your work done in real-time. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

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