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GPS Waypoints
Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)
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Version History

  • Version3.12

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.12
    - Add Points manually on Maps
    - Manage Layers on Maps
    - Layers improvements (WMS) on Maps
    - Some fixes (shortkeys, Path kml export)
    - Update SDK
    Version 3.11
    - Export/Import Points and Paths to GeoJSON files
    - New coordinate format with decimal minutes (DDM)
    - Tags improvements (incluing navigation swipe)
    - Edit current Theme, manage local Themes, get remote Themes per sectors

    App Description

    Monikäyttöinen kartoitus- ja mittaustyökalu sekä ammattikäyttöön että henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön. Työkalu on arvokas useissa ammattimaisissa maanmittaustoimissa, kuten maataloudessa, metsänhoidossa, infrastruktuurin kunnossapidossa (esim. Tiet ja sähköverkot), kaupunkisuunnittelussa sekä kiinteistöjen ja hätätilanteiden kartoittamisessa. Sitä käytetään myös henkilökohtaiseen ulkoiluun, kuten patikointiin, juoksuun, kävelyyn, matkustamiseen ja geokätköilyyn.

    Sovellus kerää pisteitä (kuten kiinnostavia kohteita) ja polkuja (pistejärjestys) suorittamaan kartoitus- ja kartoitustoimia. Käyttäjä voi luokitella pisteitä, jotka on hankittu tarkkuustiedoilla, tietyillä tunnisteilla tai kuvata valokuvilla. Polut luodaan äskettäin hankittujen pisteiden ajallisena jaksona (esim. Jäljen tallentamiseksi) tai vaihtoehtoisesti olemassa olevien pisteiden kanssa (esim. Reitin luomiseksi). Paths mahdollistaa etäisyyksien mittaamisen ja sulkeutuessaan muodostaa monikulmioita, joiden avulla voidaan määrittää alueet ja kehät. Sekä pisteet että polut voidaan viedä KML-, GPX- ja CSV -tiedostoihin ja siten käsitellä ulkoisesti paikkatietotyökalulla.

    Sovellus käyttää mobiililaitteen sisäistä GPS -vastaanotinta (tyypillisesti tarkkuudella> 3 m) tai vaihtoehtoisesti mahdollistaa ammattikäyttäjien paremman tarkkuuden NMEA -suoratoistomuodon kanssa yhteensopivalla ulkoisella Bluetooth -vastaanottimella (esim. RTK -vastaanottimet senttimetritarkkuudella). Katso alla esimerkkejä tuetuista ulkoisista vastaanottimista.

    Sovellus sisältää seuraavat ominaisuudet:
    - Hanki nykyinen sijainti tarkkuudella ja navigointitiedoilla;
    - Anna tiedot aktiivisista ja näkyvistä satelliiteista (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU ja muut);
    - Luo pisteitä tarkkuustiedoilla, luokittele ne tunnisteilla, liitä valokuvia ja muunna koordinaatit ihmisen luettavaksi osoitteeksi (käänteinen geokoodaus);
    - Tuo pisteitä maantieteellisistä koordinaateista (leveä, pitkä) tai etsimällä katuosoitetta/kiinnostavaa paikkaa (geokoodaus);
    - Luo polkuja hankkimalla pisteitä manuaalisesti tai automaattisesti;
    - Tuo polkuja olemassa olevista pisteistä;
    - Luo kyselyn teemat mukautetuilla tunnisteilla pisteiden ja polkujen luokitteluun
    - Hae reittiohjeet ja etäisyydet nykyisestä sijainnista pisteisiin ja polkuihin käyttämällä magneettista tai GPS -kompassia;
    - Vie pisteet ja polut KML- ja GPX -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Jaa tietoja muiden sovellusten kanssa (esim. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Määritä paikannuslähde sisäiselle vastaanottimelle tai käyttämällä ulkoista vastaanotinta.

    Premium -tilaus sisältää seuraavat ammattimaiset ominaisuudet:
    - Varmuuskopioi ja palauta käyttäjän tiedot (se mahdollistaa myös tietojen siirtämisen luurista toiseen);
    - Vie reittipisteet ja polut CSV -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Vie reittipisteet valokuvilla KMZ -tiedostoon
    - Tuo useita pisteitä ja polkuja CSV- ja GPX -tiedostoista;
    - Lajittele ja suodata pisteitä ja polkuja luomisajan, nimen ja läheisyyden mukaan;
    - Satelliittisignaalin analyysi ja häiriöiden havaitseminen.

    Kartat -ominaisuus on lisämaksullinen toiminto, jonka avulla voit valita ja visualisoida pisteitä, polkuja ja monikulmioita Open Street Mapsissa.

    Sisäisen mobiilivastaanottimen lisäksi nykyisen version tiedetään toimivan seuraavien ulkoisten vastaanottimien kanssa: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    Jos testasit sovelluksen onnistuneesti toisella ulkoisella vastaanottimella, lähetä meille palautetta käyttäjänä tai valmistajana tämän luettelon laajentamiseksi.

    Lisätietoja on sivustollamme (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) ja saat tiedot koko tarjouksestamme:
    - Ilmaiset ja Premium-ominaisuudet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    -GISUY-vastaanottimet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    -Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.11

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.11
    - Export Points and Paths to GeoJSON files
    - Import Points and Paths from GeoJSON files (including multipolygon and multilinestring support)
    - Sort by proximity with directions
    - New coordinate format with decimal minutes (DDM)
    - Fix the descending order of the Paths sorted list
    - Minor fixes on Maps
    - Tags improvements (incluing navigation swipe)
    - Edit current Theme, manage local Themes, get remote Themes per sectors

    App Description

    Monikäyttöinen kartoitus- ja mittaustyökalu sekä ammattikäyttöön että henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön. Työkalu on arvokas useissa ammattimaisissa maanmittaustoimissa, kuten maataloudessa, metsänhoidossa, infrastruktuurin kunnossapidossa (esim. Tiet ja sähköverkot), kaupunkisuunnittelussa sekä kiinteistöjen ja hätätilanteiden kartoittamisessa. Sitä käytetään myös henkilökohtaiseen ulkoiluun, kuten patikointiin, juoksuun, kävelyyn, matkustamiseen ja geokätköilyyn.

    Sovellus kerää pisteitä (kuten kiinnostavia kohteita) ja polkuja (pistejärjestys) suorittamaan kartoitus- ja kartoitustoimia. Käyttäjä voi luokitella pisteitä, jotka on hankittu tarkkuustiedoilla, tietyillä tunnisteilla tai kuvata valokuvilla. Polut luodaan äskettäin hankittujen pisteiden ajallisena jaksona (esim. Jäljen tallentamiseksi) tai vaihtoehtoisesti olemassa olevien pisteiden kanssa (esim. Reitin luomiseksi). Paths mahdollistaa etäisyyksien mittaamisen ja sulkeutuessaan muodostaa monikulmioita, joiden avulla voidaan määrittää alueet ja kehät. Sekä pisteet että polut voidaan viedä KML-, GPX- ja CSV -tiedostoihin ja siten käsitellä ulkoisesti paikkatietotyökalulla.

    Sovellus käyttää mobiililaitteen sisäistä GPS -vastaanotinta (tyypillisesti tarkkuudella> 3 m) tai vaihtoehtoisesti mahdollistaa ammattikäyttäjien paremman tarkkuuden NMEA -suoratoistomuodon kanssa yhteensopivalla ulkoisella Bluetooth -vastaanottimella (esim. RTK -vastaanottimet senttimetritarkkuudella). Katso alla esimerkkejä tuetuista ulkoisista vastaanottimista.

    Sovellus sisältää seuraavat ominaisuudet:
    - Hanki nykyinen sijainti tarkkuudella ja navigointitiedoilla;
    - Anna tiedot aktiivisista ja näkyvistä satelliiteista (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU ja muut);
    - Luo pisteitä tarkkuustiedoilla, luokittele ne tunnisteilla, liitä valokuvia ja muunna koordinaatit ihmisen luettavaksi osoitteeksi (käänteinen geokoodaus);
    - Tuo pisteitä maantieteellisistä koordinaateista (leveä, pitkä) tai etsimällä katuosoitetta/kiinnostavaa paikkaa (geokoodaus);
    - Luo polkuja hankkimalla pisteitä manuaalisesti tai automaattisesti;
    - Tuo polkuja olemassa olevista pisteistä;
    - Luo kyselyn teemat mukautetuilla tunnisteilla pisteiden ja polkujen luokitteluun
    - Hae reittiohjeet ja etäisyydet nykyisestä sijainnista pisteisiin ja polkuihin käyttämällä magneettista tai GPS -kompassia;
    - Vie pisteet ja polut KML- ja GPX -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Jaa tietoja muiden sovellusten kanssa (esim. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Määritä paikannuslähde sisäiselle vastaanottimelle tai käyttämällä ulkoista vastaanotinta.

    Premium -tilaus sisältää seuraavat ammattimaiset ominaisuudet:
    - Varmuuskopioi ja palauta käyttäjän tiedot (se mahdollistaa myös tietojen siirtämisen luurista toiseen);
    - Vie reittipisteet ja polut CSV -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Vie reittipisteet valokuvilla KMZ -tiedostoon
    - Tuo useita pisteitä ja polkuja CSV- ja GPX -tiedostoista;
    - Lajittele ja suodata pisteitä ja polkuja luomisajan, nimen ja läheisyyden mukaan;
    - Satelliittisignaalin analyysi ja häiriöiden havaitseminen.

    Kartat -ominaisuus on lisämaksullinen toiminto, jonka avulla voit valita ja visualisoida pisteitä, polkuja ja monikulmioita Open Street Mapsissa.

    Sisäisen mobiilivastaanottimen lisäksi nykyisen version tiedetään toimivan seuraavien ulkoisten vastaanottimien kanssa: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    Jos testasit sovelluksen onnistuneesti toisella ulkoisella vastaanottimella, lähetä meille palautetta käyttäjänä tai valmistajana tämän luettelon laajentamiseksi.

    Lisätietoja on sivustollamme (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) ja saat tiedot koko tarjouksestamme:
    - Ilmaiset ja Premium-ominaisuudet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    -GISUY-vastaanottimet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    -Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.10

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.10
    - Export Paths with new option to include Points, merging Paths and Points on a single export (Prem)
    Version 3.9
    - Statistics of the GNSS Location Service (Premium)
    - New language support for spanish and french
    - Minor fixes on Dashboard
    - Paths with multi-photos
    - Upgrade of purchase libraries

    App Description

    Monikäyttöinen kartoitus- ja mittaustyökalu sekä ammattikäyttöön että henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön. Työkalu on arvokas useissa ammattimaisissa maanmittaustoimissa, kuten maataloudessa, metsänhoidossa, infrastruktuurin kunnossapidossa (esim. Tiet ja sähköverkot), kaupunkisuunnittelussa sekä kiinteistöjen ja hätätilanteiden kartoittamisessa. Sitä käytetään myös henkilökohtaiseen ulkoiluun, kuten patikointiin, juoksuun, kävelyyn, matkustamiseen ja geokätköilyyn.

    Sovellus kerää pisteitä (kuten kiinnostavia kohteita) ja polkuja (pistejärjestys) suorittamaan kartoitus- ja kartoitustoimia. Käyttäjä voi luokitella pisteitä, jotka on hankittu tarkkuustiedoilla, tietyillä tunnisteilla tai kuvata valokuvilla. Polut luodaan äskettäin hankittujen pisteiden ajallisena jaksona (esim. Jäljen tallentamiseksi) tai vaihtoehtoisesti olemassa olevien pisteiden kanssa (esim. Reitin luomiseksi). Paths mahdollistaa etäisyyksien mittaamisen ja sulkeutuessaan muodostaa monikulmioita, joiden avulla voidaan määrittää alueet ja kehät. Sekä pisteet että polut voidaan viedä KML-, GPX- ja CSV -tiedostoihin ja siten käsitellä ulkoisesti paikkatietotyökalulla.

    Sovellus käyttää mobiililaitteen sisäistä GPS -vastaanotinta (tyypillisesti tarkkuudella> 3 m) tai vaihtoehtoisesti mahdollistaa ammattikäyttäjien paremman tarkkuuden NMEA -suoratoistomuodon kanssa yhteensopivalla ulkoisella Bluetooth -vastaanottimella (esim. RTK -vastaanottimet senttimetritarkkuudella). Katso alla esimerkkejä tuetuista ulkoisista vastaanottimista.

    Sovellus sisältää seuraavat ominaisuudet:
    - Hanki nykyinen sijainti tarkkuudella ja navigointitiedoilla;
    - Anna tiedot aktiivisista ja näkyvistä satelliiteista (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU ja muut);
    - Luo pisteitä tarkkuustiedoilla, luokittele ne tunnisteilla, liitä valokuvia ja muunna koordinaatit ihmisen luettavaksi osoitteeksi (käänteinen geokoodaus);
    - Tuo pisteitä maantieteellisistä koordinaateista (leveä, pitkä) tai etsimällä katuosoitetta/kiinnostavaa paikkaa (geokoodaus);
    - Luo polkuja hankkimalla pisteitä manuaalisesti tai automaattisesti;
    - Tuo polkuja olemassa olevista pisteistä;
    - Luo kyselyn teemat mukautetuilla tunnisteilla pisteiden ja polkujen luokitteluun
    - Hae reittiohjeet ja etäisyydet nykyisestä sijainnista pisteisiin ja polkuihin käyttämällä magneettista tai GPS -kompassia;
    - Vie pisteet ja polut KML- ja GPX -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Jaa tietoja muiden sovellusten kanssa (esim. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Määritä paikannuslähde sisäiselle vastaanottimelle tai käyttämällä ulkoista vastaanotinta.

    Premium -tilaus sisältää seuraavat ammattimaiset ominaisuudet:
    - Varmuuskopioi ja palauta käyttäjän tiedot (se mahdollistaa myös tietojen siirtämisen luurista toiseen);
    - Vie reittipisteet ja polut CSV -tiedostomuotoon;
    - Vie reittipisteet valokuvilla KMZ -tiedostoon
    - Tuo useita pisteitä ja polkuja CSV- ja GPX -tiedostoista;
    - Lajittele ja suodata pisteitä ja polkuja luomisajan, nimen ja läheisyyden mukaan;
    - Satelliittisignaalin analyysi ja häiriöiden havaitseminen.

    Kartat -ominaisuus on lisämaksullinen toiminto, jonka avulla voit valita ja visualisoida pisteitä, polkuja ja monikulmioita Open Street Mapsissa.

    Sisäisen mobiilivastaanottimen lisäksi nykyisen version tiedetään toimivan seuraavien ulkoisten vastaanottimien kanssa: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    Jos testasit sovelluksen onnistuneesti toisella ulkoisella vastaanottimella, lähetä meille palautetta käyttäjänä tai valmistajana tämän luettelon laajentamiseksi.

    Lisätietoja on sivustollamme (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) ja saat tiedot koko tarjouksestamme:
    - Ilmaiset ja Premium-ominaisuudet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    -GISUY-vastaanottimet (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    -Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.9

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.9
    - Statistics of the GNSS Location Service (Premium)
    - New language support for spanish and french
    - Minor fixes on Dashboard
    - Paths with multi-photos
    - Upgrade of purchase libraries
    Version 3.8
    - Fixes on waypoints and paths views
    - Open directly GPX and KMZ files to Import waypoints
    - Various import improvements with GPX and KML files
    - Import KML path and polygons and GPX waypoints routes
    - Import KMZ waypoints

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning & real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.

    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.

    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies >3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.

    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey's themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.

    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user's data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.

    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.

    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.

    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.8

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.9
    - Minor fixes on Dashboard
    - New language support for spanish
    - Paths with multi-photos
    - Upgrade of purchase libraries
    Version 3.8
    - Fixes on waypoints and paths views
    - Open directly GPX and KMZ files to Import waypoints
    - Various import improvements with GPX and KML files
    - Import KML path and polygons and GPX waypoints routes
    - Import KMZ waypoints

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning & real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.

    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.

    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies >3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.

    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey's themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.

    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user's data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.

    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.

    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.

    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.7

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning & real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.

    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.

    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies >3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.

    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey's themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.

    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user's data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.

    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.

    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.

    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.6

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.7
    - Some fixes on location services and internal receiver
    Version 3.6
    - Edit Path improved to allow changing the points sequence
    - Create Path from selected Points
    - Statistics of selected Points
    - Allow adding a WMS service layer on Maps
    - Bluetooth permission fixes on Android 12
    - Fixes on KMZ file exports
    - Attach gallery photos to Points
    - Photo rotation and resize for KMZ exporting

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning \u0026 real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.
    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.
    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies \u003e3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.
    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey\u0027s themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.
    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user\u0027s data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.
    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.
    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.
    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.5

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.6
    - Photo rotation and resize to export KMZ files
    Version 3.5
    - Satellite icons improved
    - New option to select base maps, including OSM and Open Topo.
    - Sort geoitems dialog improved with count
    - Enhances KMZ export to view waypoint/photo description on Google Earth
    - Autosave upon data migration and restore
    - Minor fixes

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning \u0026 real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.
    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.
    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies \u003e3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.
    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey\u0027s themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.
    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user\u0027s data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.
    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.
    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.
    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.4

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.4
    - Load and export Themes and Tags
    - Allows changing a theme during geodata editing
    - Import waypoints improvements (input modes swap, input data validation, geocoding to UTM coordinates)
    - Minor fixes: import path from points in UTM and save wpts with photos
    - Get Me There opens geodata with Maps (paid option)
    - Maps shows the last known location
    - Maps markers design and labels improvement

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning \u0026 real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.
    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.
    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies \u003e3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.
    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey\u0027s themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.
    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user\u0027s data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.
    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.
    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.
    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

  • Version3.3

    Maanmittaus ja navigointi pisteiden, polkujen ja alueiden avulla (KML, GPX, CSV -vienti)

    Update Log

    Version 3.3
    - Exports saved in 'Download/gps-wpts' folder (all Android versions)
    - Various fixes (inc Maps tiles)
    - Improvements on location services and auto-path acquisition
    - New internal receiver source with positioning based only on GNSS (Prem)
    - Migration to internal storage (for compliance with Android 11 policies)
    Version 3.2
    - Fixes for Android 11 (NMEA console)
    - Support external USB receivers
    - Network location fix for devices not using gsm cards
    - Startup message fix

    App Description

    Multi-purpose mapping and surveying tool for both professional and personal use. The tool is valuable in several professional land-based surveying activities, including agriculture, forest management, infrastructure maintenance (e.g. roads and electrical networks), urban planning \u0026 real estate and emergencies mapping. It is also used for personal outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, walking, travelling and geocaching.
    The application collects Points (such as points of interest) and Paths (sequence of points) to perform mapping and surveying activities. The Points, that are acquired with accuracy information, can be classified by the user with specific tags or characterized with photos. The Paths are created as a temporal sequence of newly acquired Points (e.g. to record a track) or alternatively with existing Points (e.g to create a route). Paths allows to measure distances and, if closed, forms Polygons that allows the determination of areas and perimeters. Both Points and Paths can be exported to a KML, GPX and CSV file and thus be processed externally with a geospatial tool.
    The application uses the internal GPS receiver from the mobile device (typically with accuracies \u003e3m) or, alternatively, allows professional users attaining better accuracies with a Bluetooth external GNSS receiver compatible with NMEA stream format (e.g. RTK receivers with centimeter level precision). See below some examples of the external receivers supported.
    The application includes the following features:
    - Acquire current position with accuracy and navigation information;
    - Provide details of the active and visible satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and other);
    - Create Points with accuracy information, classify them with Tags, attach photos and convert coordinates into a human-readable address (reverse geocoding);
    - Import Points from geographic coordinates (lat, long) or by searching for a street address/point of interest (geocoding);
    - Create Paths by acquiring sequences of points manually or automatically;
    - Import Paths from existing Points;
    - Create survey\u0027s themes with custom Tags for classifing Points and Paths
    - Get directions and distances from current position to Points and Paths using a magnetic or gps compass;
    - Export Points and Paths to KML and GPX file format;
    - Share data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive);
    - Configure positioning source for the internal receiver or using an external receiver.
    The Premium subscription include the following professional features:
    - Backup and restore user\u0027s data (it also allows transfer data from one handset to another);
    - Export Waypoints and Paths to CSV file format;
    - Export Waypoints with photos to KMZ file
    - Import multiple Points and Paths from CSV and GPX files;
    - Sort and filter Points and Paths by creation time, name and proximity;
    - Satellite signal analysis and interferences detection.
    The Maps feature is an extra paid funcionality that allows selecting and visualizing your Points, Paths and Polygons on Open Street Maps.
    Additionally to the internal mobile receiver, the current version is known to work with the following external receivers: Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor; Garmin Glo; Navilock BT-821G; Qstarz BT-Q818XT; Trimple R1; ublox F9P.
    If you successfully tested the application with another external receiver please provide us your feedback as a user or manufacturer in order to extend this list.
    For further information check our site (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints) and get the details of our complete offer:
    - Free and Premium features (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/features)
    - GISUY Receivers (https://www.bluecover.pt/gisuy-gnss-receiver/)
    - Enterprise (https://www.bluecover.pt/gps-waypoints/enterprise-version/)

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