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Bank Of Cyprus
Use our new app for your banking on the go. It’s easy, fast and free.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Release Time

Current version has a bug with quick payment that crashes the app. After 3 crashes it locked me iut and had to call the bank to unlock. They told me of the issue but they said no update from IT yet

07/10/2024 22:34:58

Not working. I don't receive verification number on the phone. Pass 1 month, and nothing happend. I call on service customers, but not helpful. Bad communication.

07/09/2024 22:54:46

I installed the app on a new phone. I put my cretinials to login and It stops , because it says to follow the push notification on phone to verify that I have access to the this certain phone. No push notification so far. I uninstalled and installed again the app but the problem continues. I tried to login on my account from the website and it works and the verification process was instantly. Any advice why t I can't login on the app?

07/01/2024 03:09:12

Pathetic app. When I use revolt to fetch money from bank of Cyprus account. It keeps asking passcode and in the end it does not verify. No matter how many times you provide a correct passcode, it does not complete the process

07/01/2024 00:22:21

Doesn't bloody work. No texts received.

0 0
By Vas t
06/27/2024 15:58:08

I have been trying to install this app to my new phone by sending a verification email to my email. I click on the verification link only to be redirected to page with internal server error. I am travelling tmr and this issue is a huge inconvinience.

0 0
06/20/2024 00:59:46

OTP not arriving.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 10/28/2018

Dear Anthony, have you updated the application? For the more common transactions we have just updated the mobile app providing a fresh design that makes it easier to manage your accounts. Regards.

06/19/2024 16:41:37

When I try to make transfer. It show error that amount must not be in 'null'

0 0
06/15/2024 02:37:56
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8 reviews