Rocab - Taxi booking app

Rocab is the best app to book the nearest taxi, with the highest quality and best prices.

Download Rocab now, and book a taxi with one click. Save your time, effort, and money with the best drivers and cars.

Why should you use Rocab?
Book the nearest taxi to your location easily from your mobile phone.
Book your ride with the best drivers and new and clean cars.
Safety: you will get the driver, car, trip details directly to your phone
Rocab applies the speedometer prices 100%
Rocab offers variety of payment methods: cash, palpay ..
Rate your trip and give feedback about the driver and the trip
Customer care team 24/7
Add your common location to your favorite list
Book a “ride later” trip with rocab
View your rides details anytime you want

Booking with Rocab is really interesting and easy:
Download the app, create your account, and the app will get your location directly.
Open the app and click “ book now” to get the nearest taxi to your location
Add a special location or destination point
Add a discount cobon if you have any.
Confirm your booking
You will now get the driver and his taxi information, and you can track his movement towards you.
Enjoy your ride with rocab, and pay after reaching your destination.

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