Have you ever met someone with a strikingly similar taste? We discovered that they are the best people to help you find what to watch. Your movie and TV recommendations on the Taste app come from the collective souls of people who share your unique taste.

• Rate movies and shows to calculate your taste
• Personalized recommendations come from like-minded people
• Swipe to like or dislike. The app continues to learn your taste
• Connect with your partner to find what to watch together
• Add your streaming services
• Discover free movies and shows

Unlike other movie rating and review sites, Taste is designed to be gender-neutral and with no commercial-bias.

More about rating biases:
Rating Manipulation: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/fandango-movies-ratings/
Gender Bias: https://variety.com/2016/film/news/movie-critics-men-women-diversity-study-1201801555/

Privacy policy: https://www.taste.io/privacy-policy
Terms of use: https://www.taste.io/terms-of-service