TanabotTodo is a simple way to organize your tasks. 

- Let’s start by creating a to-do list to organize your tasks. TanabotTodo provides the simple and easy-to-use tools you need to do this.
 - It is essential to manage tasks using a calendar to prevent procrastination. TanabotTodo allows you to convert your To-Do List into your Calendar. - Creating an upcoming schedule is necessary to organize and remind yourself of tasks. TanabotTodo makes it easy to convert your To-Do List into your Schedule. - Behavioral economics has proven the efficiency of Pomodoro Timer in accomplishing tasks. TanabotTimer provides the best Pomodoro Timer for each activity. 

— Features —
 - To-Do Lists are infinitely simpler because you can fill them in as soon as you have an idea. You can quickly write down your tasks anytime, anywhere. - Of course, you can fill in any necessary information. Tanabot has a convenient feature that allows you to add information such as Priority, Collaborator, Place, etc. - Color is the most visually recognizable form of information. Tanabot allows you to link freely definable categories with task colors. - TanabotTodo’s Calendar shows at a glance whether there are tasks and how many. You can quickly view the details of each activity by scrolling. - TanabotTodo’s Schedule gives you all the information you need at a glance. You can see what you need to do today and future precisely.

 - TanabotTodo calculates and advises you on the optimal execution and break times based on the task's scheduled time. It also has the minimum necessary functions as a Pomodoro timer. Thank you!