RobatAI: a multidisciplinary AI-assistant Need expert advice or help but don't know where to turn? Meet RobatAI, an artificial intelligence chatbot assistant modeled after ChatGPT. The app allows users to interact with their devices using voice or text commands. This innovation allows you to create your own virtual assistants in various fields, task them with prompt templates, and get personalized answers to specific questions. Benefits: - Get instant voice and text answers to your questions. - Use off-the-shelf AI agents, to solve your tasks quickly. - Create AI agents that match your goals. - Connect the tools you need to your created and ready-made AI agents to make them better able to accomplish your tasks. - Use a database of ready-made prompts and the ability to edit them for your purposes. - Create original images using Midjourney's neural network. - Create creative logos for your companies and products with Midjourney and Dall-E neural networks. - Search for missing information on the Internet with GPT technology. - Conversational prompts make your conversations more natural and interesting, ensuring you get the most relevant answers. - Copy, edit and share messages with friends and colleagues, making collaboration easier and more efficient. - With the search function, you can easily access your chat history and find answers to your questions even after some time has passed. - Use the search function to find the AI agent or prompt you need - Edit your questions during the dialog to refine and improve the AI assistant's answers. - Create and customize AI assistants for your tasks with ready-made prompts. - Generate avatars for the agents you create using neural networks or choose from your own gallery, for unique identification in chats. - Create custom Prompts for AI assistants to match your goals and objectives. - Attach files to chat messages, for AI-assisted processing. - Connect built-in tools according to your needs and preferences to maximize the use of your voice assistant to meet your professional and daily goals. - Choose the GPT model version of the agent. This will allow you to optimally customize the AI assistant for your tasks. - Save time and money by getting instant and competent answers to your questions without the need for human counseling and costly services. Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: