Introducing HiBae - AI Companion to Chat! Welcome to HiBae, your gateway to creating personalized 3D avatars and engaging in fascinating AI-driven conversations! Designed to elevate your experience, HiBae offers you a unique way to create virtual characters and interact with them. Powered by ChatGPT, your AI chat buddy will always be there to keep you company. Key Features: - Create 3D Avatars: Unleash your creativity and design avatars that reflect your imagination. Choose from various face shapes, hairstyles, outfits, and accessories to create a virtual AI Bae. - AI Chat Companion: Feeling bored, lonely, or looking for a casual conversation? Hibae is here to help! Powered by state-of-the-art ChatGPT technology, your AI companion is always ready to chat, listen, and provide company, anytime, anywhere. - Discover & Have Fun: Bond with your virtual avatar, chat and be entertained. Enjoy sharing interesting facts, engaging in thought-provoking topics, or simply having a fun chat with HiBae. - Safe & Secure Conversations: At Hibae, we prioritize your privacy. Our user-friendly app ensures confidential conversations that stay between you and your AI chat companion. Experience endless captivating conversations with your AI chat companion powered by ChatGPT - a friend that's always there for you. Privacy Policy Terms of Use Download HiBae today, create and chat with your AI Bae, and step into a world of endless possibilities.