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Cooking Fever
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Erg verslavend & ook super leuk!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/07/2024

Thank you for your review, Chef! We're glad you find Cooking Fever addictive and enjoyable. Join our community on Facebook and Instagram @CookingFeverGame for more fun.

07/07/2024 01:02:27

Loved this game back when I was a kid

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! We're glad you enjoyed playing Cooking Fever. Come join our Chef community on Facebook and Instagram @CookingFeverGame!

07/02/2024 18:54:28

leuk spel

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Thank you for your kind words about Cooking Fever! We're glad you're enjoying the game. Don't forget to join our Chef community on Facebook and Instagram @CookingFeverGame. Happy cooking!

06/30/2024 04:31:18

Advertenties neukers Niet downloaden het heeft alleen maar reclame

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2024

Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the ads. We understand your frustration and encourage you to join our community on Facebook and Instagram at @CookingFeverGame for updates and contests. Happy cooking, Chef!

06/23/2024 03:35:28


0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

Thank you for your review, Chef! We're glad you're having fun playing Cooking Fever! Join our community on Facebook and Instagram at @CookingFeverGame for more cooking fun.

06/21/2024 19:52:03

Heel erg leuk

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Thank you for your great review! We're glad you're having fun playing as a Chef in Cooking Fever. Join our community on Facebook and Instagram @CookingFeverGame for more cooking adventures!

06/15/2024 19:23:12

Its the best game EVER😀😀

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/14/2024

Thank you for the great review! We're thrilled to hear you're enjoying Cooking Fever. Keep on cooking, Chef! Join our community on Facebook and Instagram @CookingFeverGame for more fun.

06/14/2024 08:53:29
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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7 reviews