Poets and Poems is a collection of French poetry, free, without advertising and operating offline.

Over nine thousand poems are available, sorted by title or author. They are mostly nineteenth century, the oldest dating back to the sixteenth.

A search function allows you to quickly find poems by title or part of it. Research can integrate into the global search on the phone.

Once the recovered data at first launch, the application no longer requires Internet access to work (except to update with a frequency defined by the user).

The automatic update checking is triggered the launch of the application. No updates will occur if the application is never started, however this does not lead to update failure.

No advertising is displayed on a screen as it is.

Usage statistics of the application are harvested so anynome via Google Analytics. These statistics, which are intended to improve implementation, include the time spent on different screens of the application, namely:
- The Home screen
- The list of poems, the list of poets
- The details of a poem
- The detail of a poet
- The search screen; search terms are not part of the information transmitted
- The settings screen

All poems reproduced in the application are in the public domain in France.

Warning: some poems may include inappropriate content to minors, or offensive to some people. By agreeing to use this application, you release Nekoko Ltd. from liability.

- Louise-Victorine Ackermann
- Jean Aicard
- Guillaume Apollinaire
- Félix Arvers
- Joseph Autran
- Théodore de Banville
- Auguste Barbier
- Charles Baudelaire
- Joachim du Bellay
- Isaac Benserade
- Pierre-Jean de Beranger
- Joachim Bernier of the Bush
- Étienne de La Boétie
- Petrus Borel
- Bouilhet
- Philoxenus Boyer
- Auguste Brizeux
- Jean-Baptiste Chassignet
- André Chénier
- Francois Coppe
- Tristan Corbiere
- Émile Cottinet
- Charles Cros
- Casimir Delavigne
- Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
- Émile Deschamps
- Philippe Desportes
- Leon Dierx
- Emmanuel des Essarts
- Jean de La Fontaine
- Anatole France
- Adelphe Froger
- Theophile Gautier
- Nicolas Gilbert
- Albert Glatigny
- Charles Le Goffic
- Edward Grenier
- André Guerne
- Theodore Hannon
- Edmond Haraucourt
- José-Maria de Heredia
- Tristan The Hermit
- Ernest Hervilly
- Victor Hugo
- Francis Jammes
- Louise Labé
- Auguste Lacaussade
- Jules Laforgue
- Alphonse de Lamartine
- Victor de Laprade
- Gustave Le Vavasseur
- Sébastien-Charles Leconte
- Eugene Lefebure
- André Lemoyne
- Leconte de Lisle
- François de Malherbe
- Stephane Mallarme
- Eugène Manuel
- Pierre de Marbeuf
- Guy de Maupassant
- Louis Ménard
- Albert Mérat
- Hégésippe Moreau
- Alfred de Musset
- Gérard de Nerval
- Anna de Noailles
- New Germain
- Alexandre Piedagnel
- Christine de Pisan
- Jean Polonius
- Raoul Ponchon
- Sully Prudhomme
- Henri de Regnier
- Arthur Rimbaud
- Georges Rodenbach
- Maurice Rollinat
- Pierre de Ronsard
- Jean-Antoine Roucher
- Jean-Baptiste Rousseau
- Mellin de Saint-Gelais
- Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
- Albert Samain
- Émile Sicard
- Louisa Siefert
- Armand Silvestre
- Amable Tastu
- Auguste Vacquerie
- Paul Verlaine
- Theophile de Viau
- Gabriel Vicar
- Alfred de Vigny
- François Villon
- Vivien