- Unmatched Features
• Automatic Voice Recording 24 hours a day, all year log
• Technically separated from the voice recording file. The files are never collected by the devs.
• Automatic time-based organization allows you to search your files conveniently.
• Daily calendars are available so you can find a specific 'time' whenever you want.
• You can send a voice recorded file to your e-mail whenever you want.
• You can permanently delete a certain piece of your 'life' whenever you want.
• Bookmark Feature - You can immediately replay a certain point of your 'life' by utilizing the bookmark feature
• Strong Security System

- Explanation of Required Authorities
• Storage Authority: An authority required to temporary store the pieces of your life
• Microphone Authority - Microphone authority is required to voice record your life
• Photo Authority: An authority required to allow you play your 'life' whenever you click a photograph.
• Alarm Authority: When voice recording has paused, an authority requred to provide the information to be re-recorded after a few hours or days.

- Others
• In case of phone call recording, the other person's voice will not be voice recorded due to legal issues.
• Please comply with the current law/regulations regarding voice recording.