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Blueair, Best-in-Class Air Purifiers from Sweden
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works great but instructions are lacking

07/13/2024 03:46:38

Nice looking units that clean tbe air really well. However, they can be fairly loud and way too many tech issues to be able to recommend them, especially given the price.

1 0
07/08/2024 12:15:00

It's pretty big. Very much more quiet compared to others. We have 6 dogs and notice the improvement of the clean air. Allergy issues have really subsided quite a bit! Loving it so far. It's been 2 months for us. It's very stylish and easy to maintain!!

1 0
07/08/2024 09:39:00

Never had an air purifier before. My wife was having problems with allergies, coughing, etc. I started up the Blueair and within a day or so she saw dramatic improvement. So I'm going to say it works well. Been using it for a few months now and she's still allergy free. One other good thing is that it is very quiet

1 0
07/08/2024 09:28:01

I am asthmatic and so blessed to have Blueair in my home. I see the difference between the air quality. Thank you, Peco.

0 0
07/05/2024 22:19:48

keeps shutting off by itself.

07/05/2024 15:14:03


07/05/2024 01:48:51

the settings on the app never reflects the purifier, cannot control the purifier on app data kind of disappointing and not accurate as it just always says clean when turned on vs turned on after 30 minutes. But my nose says otherwise with the allergc attacks initially vs after.

2 0
07/05/2024 01:08:36

changed the filter and the app didn't reset and I can't find a manual reset. no complaints about the filter it works well.

06/30/2024 08:13:11

Love the automation controls, filter life, schedule setting, and real-time air quality. I have two units, bedroom and living room. Planning to purchase one for our basement.

06/30/2024 07:58:26
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