No matter how much we enjoy scary movies, there's always the comfort of telling ourselves, "It's not real." However, that's not to say that a paranormal encounter, in reality, is not possible. Real ghost stories to tell in the dark is here, and there's proof. Do I want something that'll actually make you keep your light on at it? Here is real ghost live photo that'll scare you.

Best really scary ghost stories and photos that went down in history as the irrefutable proof of ghosts in pics. Each of them has its own history, which you will find in this application. All images of ghosts are completely real.

True ghost stories from around the world. Read the best stories from different countries for free!

Besides images and photos, you will also find plenty of real ghost stories, it's ordinary people with its own history, often sad. But that does not make them evil or terrible because they can both frighten and warn us about the danger. Respect them and they will help you.

We picked the best available to mankind paranormal photos, which show the real photos of ghosts. In the app, you find modern and vintage ghost photos.