Traditional Chinese Studies Zhou Gong interprets dreams, analyzes your dreams, and explores the mysteries of dreams for you.
This software integrates Zhou Gong's dream interpretation query, horoscope analysis, zodiac pairing analysis and other functions into one, to open a happy life for you ~

Software Features:
[Zhou Gong Jie Meng]
1. Professional search function, enter keywords to search for dream interpretation answers. Such as: dreaming of snakes, dreaming of pregnancy, dreaming of picking up money, dreaming of exams, dreaming of broken love, etc .;
2. Classified search functions, such as: character dream interpretation, animal dream interpretation, plant dream interpretation, item dream interpretation, life dream interpretation, nature dream interpretation, ghost and god dream interpretation, etc .;
3. The original Zhou Gong interpretation of the dream, Zhou Gong interpretation of the original Daquan, provides rich and detailed original Zhou Gong interpretation of the dream content.
1. Supports Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Zodiac Sign Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, This Month, This Year's Fortune Enquiry;
2. Support horoscope analysis, health index, lucky number, and adapt to constellation query;
3. Support career, love, health, and wealth analysis.
【Zodiac signs】
1. Support query of the zodiac year, today's fortune, five elements analysis, lucky numbers, etc.
2. Support the comprehensive analysis of the zodiac signs;
3, support the zodiac should be equipped, avoid matching query.
1.Estimation of mobile phone numbers
2, QQ number calculation
3, calculation of license plate numbers
4. Palm print health, identify physical health indicators based on palm print
5, name good luck calculation
6.Comparison of company name
1. Supports setting the text size and adjusting the text size according to preferences;
2. Support dream interpretation collection function;
3. Support tablet and mobile high-definition display;
4. Support Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese display.

The interface is simple and easy to operate. It is your little assistant at home ~
Find the sharing function in the "More" module. You can share the software to your friends via QQ, Weibo, WeChat ~
Any suggestions and feedback can leave us a message in the software ~