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Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker
Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia
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  • Version2.39

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    Update Log

    Stability improvements to help you on your debt-free journey!

    App Description

    L'app Debt Payoff Planner 📱 è il modo più semplice per smettere di sentirsi sopraffatti e iniziare ad avere un piano specifico passo passo per estinguere i tuoi prestiti 🎉. Oggi è il giorno per fare un piano con un calcolatore di prestito e iniziare a pagare il debito.

    Con Debt Payoff Planner, calcolare la data senza debiti e ottenere un programma di rimborso del debito personalizzato è facile come inserire le informazioni di base sui prestiti: saldo attuale del prestito, tasso percentuale annuo (TAEG) e importo minimo di pagamento.

    Semplici passaggi per liberarsi dai debiti con Debt Payoff Planner:

    Inserisci i tuoi prestiti e debiti
    Inserisci il tuo budget di pagamento mensile aggiuntivo per pagare più velocemente
    Scegli una strategia di rimborso del debito
    ☃️ Debt Snowball di Dave Ramsey (prima il saldo più basso)
    🏔️ Valanga di debiti (prima il tasso più alto)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (pagamento extra una tantum per i prestiti)
    ♾️ Piano di payoff personalizzato senza debiti

    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determina il piano di pagamento ottimale e quanto tempo ci vorrà prima che tu sia esente da debiti. Dici all'app quanto vuoi stanziare per estinguere il tuo debito e noi ti diremo come. Consigliamo la strategia Debt Snowball perché crediamo che saldare i conti individuali più velocemente ti aiuterà a rimanere concentrato sul tuo obiettivo finanziario di eliminazione del debito. Un piano di payoff è utile solo se lo segui!

    La tua capacità e disponibilità a pagare più dei pagamenti minimi è il modo in cui diventerai esente da debiti in meno tempo di quanto immaginassi. Budgeting del tuo reddito ti aiuterà a ottenere un importo mensile regolare per estinguere il debito più velocemente. Il grafico del payoff mostrerà due scenari di payoff: pagando solo gli importi minimi e il piano di rimborso quando paghi più del minimo di sempre.

    Inoltre, c'è un'opzione per creare un account per salvare il pagamento del debito e le informazioni di pagamento. È possibile accedere a questo account su più dispositivi, da più app store. La creazione di un account è del tutto facoltativa, ma ti consente di avere un backup sicuro e le tue informazioni sono immediatamente disponibili se inizi a utilizzare un nuovo dispositivo. Uscire dal debito è difficile, quindi cerchiamo di permetterti di fare piccoli passi verso questo obiettivo.

    Crediamo che liberarsi dal debito richieda un facile punto di partenza e assicurarsi che ogni dollaro sia sfruttato perfettamente. Il calcolatore del prestito ha input minimi per rendere la tua gestione del denaro facile da seguire.

    Il Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator viene anche utilizzato per tenere traccia dei pagamenti e aggiornare il periodo di tempo per liberarsi dai debiti. L'inserimento delle informazioni di pagamento è semplice come digitare l'importo e la data in cui è stato effettuato il pagamento. L'obiettivo del monitoraggio dei pagamenti è vedere i tuoi progressi nel tempo e affermare che rimani concentrato sui tuoi obiettivi finanziari.

    Oltre ad essere un tracker del debito e un calcolatore di prestiti, le app indicano alcuni possibili passaggi successivi con articoli incentrati su come ripagare più velocemente prestiti studenteschi, prestiti auto e carte di credito. Inoltre, ci sono alcuni suggerimenti sui trasferimenti del saldo della carta di credito e sulle strategie per il consolidamento del debito.

    Sono disponibili otto diverse categorie di prestito per aiutarti a pianificare e visualizzare la tua situazione unica:
    💳 Carte di credito come Capital One, Citicard, Chase, ecc.
    🎓 Prestiti per studenti come Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, ecc.
    🚗 Auto / Prestiti auto
    🏥 Prestiti medici
    🏠 Mutui come Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, ecc.
    👥 Prestiti personali ad amici e familiari o altri individui
    🏛️ Tasse come IRS o comuni locali
    💸 Un'altra categoria potrebbe essere qualsiasi cosa, da un prestito con busta paga a un prestito in denaro duro

    Oltre al calcolatore Debt Snowball e al metodo Debt Avalanche, a molti utenti piace fare un ordinamento personalizzato dei propri debiti. Questa personalizzazione è disponibile per gli utenti che desiderano essere il proprio gestore del debito.

    Debt Payoff Planner supporta anche il pagamento Debt Snowflake. Un Debt Snowflake è un pagamento del debito una tantum da cose come un bonus sul lavoro, un rimborso delle tasse, un giorno di paga extra, ecc. Questa funzionalità aggiuntiva ti consente di avere un controllo più stretto su ogni dollaro che stai stanziando.

  • Version2.31

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    Update Log

    Stability improvements to help you on your debt-free journey

    App Description

    L'app Debt Payoff Planner 📱 è il modo più semplice per smettere di sentirsi sopraffatti e iniziare ad avere un piano specifico passo passo per estinguere i tuoi prestiti 🎉. Oggi è il giorno per fare un piano con un calcolatore di prestito e iniziare a pagare il debito.

    Con Debt Payoff Planner, calcolare la data senza debiti e ottenere un programma di rimborso del debito personalizzato è facile come inserire le informazioni di base sui prestiti: saldo attuale del prestito, tasso percentuale annuo (TAEG) e importo minimo di pagamento.

    Semplici passaggi per liberarsi dai debiti con Debt Payoff Planner:

    Inserisci i tuoi prestiti e debiti
    Inserisci il tuo budget di pagamento mensile aggiuntivo per pagare più velocemente
    Scegli una strategia di rimborso del debito
    ☃️ Debt Snowball di Dave Ramsey (prima il saldo più basso)
    🏔️ Valanga di debiti (prima il tasso più alto)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (pagamento extra una tantum per i prestiti)
    ♾️ Piano di payoff personalizzato senza debiti

    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determina il piano di pagamento ottimale e quanto tempo ci vorrà prima che tu sia esente da debiti. Dici all'app quanto vuoi stanziare per estinguere il tuo debito e noi ti diremo come. Consigliamo la strategia Debt Snowball perché crediamo che saldare i conti individuali più velocemente ti aiuterà a rimanere concentrato sul tuo obiettivo finanziario di eliminazione del debito. Un piano di payoff è utile solo se lo segui!

    La tua capacità e disponibilità a pagare più dei pagamenti minimi è il modo in cui diventerai esente da debiti in meno tempo di quanto immaginassi. Budgeting del tuo reddito ti aiuterà a ottenere un importo mensile regolare per estinguere il debito più velocemente. Il grafico del payoff mostrerà due scenari di payoff: pagando solo gli importi minimi e il piano di rimborso quando paghi più del minimo di sempre.

    Inoltre, c'è un'opzione per creare un account per salvare il pagamento del debito e le informazioni di pagamento. È possibile accedere a questo account su più dispositivi, da più app store. La creazione di un account è del tutto facoltativa, ma ti consente di avere un backup sicuro e le tue informazioni sono immediatamente disponibili se inizi a utilizzare un nuovo dispositivo. Uscire dal debito è difficile, quindi cerchiamo di permetterti di fare piccoli passi verso questo obiettivo.

    Crediamo che liberarsi dal debito richieda un facile punto di partenza e assicurarsi che ogni dollaro sia sfruttato perfettamente. Il calcolatore del prestito ha input minimi per rendere la tua gestione del denaro facile da seguire.

    Il Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator viene anche utilizzato per tenere traccia dei pagamenti e aggiornare il periodo di tempo per liberarsi dai debiti. L'inserimento delle informazioni di pagamento è semplice come digitare l'importo e la data in cui è stato effettuato il pagamento. L'obiettivo del monitoraggio dei pagamenti è vedere i tuoi progressi nel tempo e affermare che rimani concentrato sui tuoi obiettivi finanziari.

    Oltre ad essere un tracker del debito e un calcolatore di prestiti, le app indicano alcuni possibili passaggi successivi con articoli incentrati su come ripagare più velocemente prestiti studenteschi, prestiti auto e carte di credito. Inoltre, ci sono alcuni suggerimenti sui trasferimenti del saldo della carta di credito e sulle strategie per il consolidamento del debito.

    Sono disponibili otto diverse categorie di prestito per aiutarti a pianificare e visualizzare la tua situazione unica:
    💳 Carte di credito come Capital One, Citicard, Chase, ecc.
    🎓 Prestiti per studenti come Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, ecc.
    🚗 Auto / Prestiti auto
    🏥 Prestiti medici
    🏠 Mutui come Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, ecc.
    👥 Prestiti personali ad amici e familiari o altri individui
    🏛️ Tasse come IRS o comuni locali
    💸 Un'altra categoria potrebbe essere qualsiasi cosa, da un prestito con busta paga a un prestito in denaro duro

    Oltre al calcolatore Debt Snowball e al metodo Debt Avalanche, a molti utenti piace fare un ordinamento personalizzato dei propri debiti. Questa personalizzazione è disponibile per gli utenti che desiderano essere il proprio gestore del debito.

    Debt Payoff Planner supporta anche il pagamento Debt Snowflake. Un Debt Snowflake è un pagamento del debito una tantum da cose come un bonus sul lavoro, un rimborso delle tasse, un giorno di paga extra, ecc. Questa funzionalità aggiuntiva ti consente di avere un controllo più stretto su ogni dollaro che stai stanziando.

  • Version2.30

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    Update Log

    Stability improvements to help you on your debt-free journey

    App Description

    The Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.

    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.

    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:

    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan

    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!

    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.

    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.

    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.

    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.

    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.

    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan

    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.

    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.29

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    Update Log

    Added support for the latest Android version

    App Description

    The Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.

    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.

    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:

    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan

    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!

    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.

    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.

    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.

    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.

    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.

    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan

    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.

    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.28

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    App Description

    The Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.

    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.

    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:

    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan

    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!

    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.

    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.

    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.

    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.

    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.

    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan

    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.

    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.25

    Un modo semplice per prendere il controllo, rimanere motivati ​​e risparmiare: pianifica, monitora, festeggia

    Update Log

    We have removed the banner ads and the interstitial ads in order to have a better experience and not be distracted on your journey to become debt-free!

    App Description

    The Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.
    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.
    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:
    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey\u0027s Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan
    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we\u0027ll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!
    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.
    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.
    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.
    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.
    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.
    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan
    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.
    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.24

    # 1 per un motivo. Semplice ed efficace. Ottieni il tuo piano e sentiti meglio ora.

    Update Log

    #1 Debt Snowball Calculator has some minor improvements for better stability.

    App Description

    The #1 Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.
    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.
    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:
    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan
    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!
    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.
    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.
    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.
    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.
    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.
    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan
    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.
    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.23

    # 1 per un motivo. Semplice ed efficace. Ottieni il tuo piano e sentiti meglio ora.

    Update Log

    Customize your category icons and chose between a simpler or a more detailed view

    App Description

    The #1 Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉. Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and begin paying down debt.
    With Debt Payoff Planner, calculating your debt-free date and getting a customized debt repayment schedule is as easy as entering basic information about your loans: current balance of the loan, annual percentage rate (APR), and minimum payment amount.
    Easy steps to becoming debt free with Debt Payoff Planner:
    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan
    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!
    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.
    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.
    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.
    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.
    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, the apps points out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there are some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.
    Eight different loan categories are available to help plan track and visualize your unique situation:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto / Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan
    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.
    Debt Payoff Planner supports Debt Snowflake payment as well. A Debt Snowflake is a one-time debt payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.

  • Version2.22

    Stebt: Payoff Debt with a Snowball Loan Calculator. È ora di essere senza debiti.

    Update Log

    Minor adjustments for stability and added support for in-app upgrade

    App Description

    The #1 Debt Payoff Planner 📱 app is the simplest way to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having a specific, step-by-step plan for paying off your loans 🎉.
    Today is the day to make a plan with a loan calculator and beginning paying down debt. Required inputs for calculating your debt free date are the current balance of the loan, the annual percentage rate (APR), and the minimum payment amount. That's the only requirement to getting a customized debt repayment schedule.
    Easy steps to becoming debt free:
    Enter your loans and debts
    Enter your additional monthly payment budget to pay down faster
    Choose a debt payoff strategy
    ☃️ Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball (lowest balance first)
    🏔️ Debt Avalanche (highest rate first)
    ❄️ Debt Snowflake (one-time extra payment toward loans)
    ♾️ Custom debt free payoff plan
    Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator determines the optimum payment plan and how long it will take until you will be debt free. You tell the app how much you want to budget toward paying off your debt and we'll tell you how. We recommend the Debt Snowball strategy because we believe that paying off individual accounts faster will help you stay focused on your financial goal of debt elimination. A payoff plan is only useful if you stick with it!
    Your ability and willingness to pay more than the minimum payments is how you will become debt free in less time than you imagined. Budgeting your income will help you to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt faster. The payoff chart will show two payoff scenarios: only paying the minimum amounts, and the repayment schedule when you pay more the the minimum ever month.
    Additionally, there is an option to create an account for saving debt payoff and payment information. This account can be accessed across multiple devices, from multiple app stores. Creating an account is entirely optional, but it does enable you to have a secure backup and your information is immediately available if you start using a new device. Getting out of debt is hard, so we try to allow you to take baby steps toward this goal.
    We believe that becoming debt free requires an easy starting point and making sure every dollar is leveraged perfectly. The loan calculator has minimal inputs in order to make your money management easy to follow.
    The Debt Payoff Planner and Calculator is also used for tracking payments and updating the time-frame for becoming debt-free. Inputting payment information is as simple as typing in the amount and the date the payment was made. The goal of payment tracking is to see your progress over time and affirm that you are staying focused on your financial goals.
    In addition to being a debt tracker and loan calculator, we are also trying to help point out some possible next steps with articles focused on how to pay off student loans, auto loans, and credit cards faster. Also, there is some tips on credit card balance transfers as well as strategies for debt consolidation.
    We support eight loan categories:
    💳 Credit Cards like Capital One, Citicard, Chase, etc.
    🎓 Student Loans like Navient, Sallie Mae, Great Lakes, etc.
    🚗 Auto/Car Loans
    🏥 Medical Loans
    🏠 Mortgages like Rocket Mortgage, SoFi, etc.
    👥 Personal Loans to friends and family or other individuals
    🏛️ Taxes like IRS or local municipalities
    💸 Other category could be anything from a paycheck loan to a hard money loan
    In addition to the Debt Snowball calculator and the Debt Avalanche method, many users like to do a custom sorting of their debts. This customization is available for users that want to be their own debt manager.
    We allow the ability to provide a Debt Snowball payoff as well. A Debt Snowball is a one-time payment from things like a bonus at work, a tax refund, an extra payday, etc. This additional capability allows you to have tighter control over every dollar you are budgeting.