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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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07/02/2024 21:59:53

One of the Finest App For Movie and Series Review

07/02/2024 21:40:58

From lists they have more than 250 titles I can't see more than 250 titles into the app.

0 0
07/02/2024 21:07:16

I love IMDB

07/02/2024 20:34:04

Keeps crashing

0 0
07/02/2024 16:56:04

The new update is still useless. Uninstalled app, reinstalled it again, and it still happens every time I use this app. ERROR MESSAGE "Inconceivable!" #Unfortunately, something went wrong. Our engineers are working hard to get everything back in# ***response to developer*** when I receive a pop notification sent to my mobile device and click on the link. now it's happening all the time. When opening the app from this page.

6 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 01/10/2019

Thanks for letting us know! Where in the app are you seeing this behavior?

07/02/2024 12:37:12

I have an account, but it won't let me review movies. They email me asking for verification, but the link only brings me back to the same request page. Fk em.

0 0
07/02/2024 11:23:25

Stop asking for permission to stalk me across apps, nosy developers.

0 0
07/02/2024 07:56:19

happy to see upgrades, esp search/sort by genre and Year of release. Favoriting genres is a great help. Should do the same for original language. Needs fixes - app frequently bounces back to home screen in the middle of sorting/searching. I have a watchlist with 100s of content. However, the app shows me only 36. How do I see the rest? No pages to forward. I can only see the full watchlist on a browser. However, the browser (website) doesn't allow me to pick my streaming services. frustrated!

67 0
07/02/2024 06:26:51

Love seeing reviews by the general public

0 0
07/02/2024 05:35:05
No data yet.No data yet.
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