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Total Commander - file manager
Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
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Version History

  • Version3.50

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Editor: Let the user open text files of any size after showing a warning "Out of memory" with option "Retry"
    - Media Player: New context menu items to share tracks (Send to)
    - Show album covers for music files as thumbnails in main program (optional)
    - File list: Show size with more digits where possible
    - Context menu: The “Send to”/“Open with” dialogs now allow you to set bookmarks for frequently used apps (shown at the very top).

    App Description

    Android-versio työpöydän tiedostojenhallinnasta Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Tärkeä huomautus: Tämä sovellus EI sisällä mainoksia. Se sisältää kuitenkin linkin "Lisää laajennuksia (lataus)" kotikansiossa. Play Kauppa käsittelee tätä mainoksena, koska se linkittää muihin sovelluksiimme (laajennuksiin).

    - Kopioi, Siirrä kokonaisia ​​alikansioita
    - Vedä ja pudota (paina pitkään tiedostokuvaketta, siirrä kuvaketta)
    - Luo hakemistoja paikan uudelleennimeämisessä
    - Poista (ei roskakoria)
    - Vetoketju ja vetoketju, unrar
    - Ominaisuudet-valintaikkuna, muuta käyttöoikeuksia
    - Sisäänrakennettu tekstieditori
    - Hakutoiminto (myös tekstille)
    - Valitse / poista tiedostoryhmien valinta
    - Valitse napauttamalla tiedostokuvakkeita
    - Valitse alue: Pitkä napautus + vapauta kuvaketta
    - Näytä luettelo asennetuista sovelluksista, varmuuskopioi sovellukset manuaalisesti (sisäänrakennettu laajennus)
    - FTP- ja SFTP-asiakasohjelma (liitännäinen)
    - WebDAV (verkkokansiot) (laajennus)
    - LAN-yhteys (liitännäinen)
    - Lisäosat pilvipalveluihin: Google Drive, Microsoft Live OneDrive, Dropbox
    - Päätoimintojen juurituki (valinnainen)
    - Lähetä tiedostoja Bluetoothin kautta (OBEX)
    - Kuvien pikkukuvat
    - Kaksi paneelia vierekkäin tai virtuaalinen kahden paneelin tila
    - Kirjanmerkit
    - Hakemistohistoria
    - Tallenna muista sovelluksista vastaanotetut tiedostot jakotoiminnon kautta
    - Mediasoitin, joka voi suoratoistaa suoraan LAN-, WebDAV- ja pilvilaajennuksista
    - Muokattava painikerivi hakemistojen, sisäisten komentojen, sovellusten käynnistämiseen ja komentotulkkikomentojen lähettämiseen
    - Yksinkertainen ohjetoiminto englanniksi, saksaksi, venäjäksi, ukrainaksi ja tšekin kielellä
    - Optimoinnit näkövammaisille, kuten teksti kuvakkeille
    - Pääohjelman tuetut kielet: englanti, saksa, bulgaria, kroatia, tšekki, tanska, hollanti, ranska, kreikka, heprea, unkari, indonesia, italia, japani, korea, puola, portugali, romania, venäjä, serbia, yksinkertaistettu kiina , slovakki, slovenia, espanja, ruotsi, perinteinen kiina, turkki, ukraina ja vietnami.
    - Julkinen käännös osoitteessa http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander

    Tietoja uudesta luvasta "SuperUser":
    Tätä lupaa pyydetään nyt, jotta Total Commander toimisi paremmin juurtuneilla laitteilla. Se kertoo SuperUser-sovellukselle, että Total Commander tukee juuritoimintoja. Sillä ei ole vaikutusta, jos laitettasi ei ole rootattu. Juuritoimintojen avulla Total Commander voi kirjoittaa järjestelmäkansioihin, kuten /system tai /data. Sinua varoitetaan ennen kuin mitään kirjoitetaan, jos osio on kirjoitussuojattu.
    Täältä löydät lisätietoja:

  • Version3.42

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - USB drives could appear twice in "open" dialog
    - Get BLUETOOTH permission also on Android 12 (bug in some devices)
    - Sharing files from other app set wrong path
    - Languages other than English didn't work any more
    - Drag file list down to reload (like a browser)
    - Home folder: New context menu item to eject or deactivate drive
    - Tap on current path to edit/copy/paste it.
    - The search can now be started from the home folder
    - Dark mode in HTML help
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android-versio työpöydän tiedostojenhallinnasta Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Tärkeä huomautus: Tämä sovellus EI sisällä mainoksia. Se sisältää kuitenkin linkin "Lisää laajennuksia (lataus)" kotikansiossa. Play Kauppa käsittelee tätä mainoksena, koska se linkittää muihin sovelluksiimme (laajennuksiin).

    - Kopioi, Siirrä kokonaisia ​​alikansioita
    - Vedä ja pudota (paina pitkään tiedostokuvaketta, siirrä kuvaketta)
    - Luo hakemistoja paikan uudelleennimeämisessä
    - Poista (ei roskakoria)
    - Vetoketju ja vetoketju, unrar
    - Ominaisuudet-valintaikkuna, muuta käyttöoikeuksia
    - Sisäänrakennettu tekstieditori
    - Hakutoiminto (myös tekstille)
    - Valitse / poista tiedostoryhmien valinta
    - Valitse napauttamalla tiedostokuvakkeita
    - Valitse alue: Pitkä napautus + vapauta kuvaketta
    - Näytä luettelo asennetuista sovelluksista, varmuuskopioi sovellukset manuaalisesti (sisäänrakennettu laajennus)
    - FTP- ja SFTP-asiakasohjelma (liitännäinen)
    - WebDAV (verkkokansiot) (laajennus)
    - LAN-yhteys (liitännäinen)
    - Lisäosat pilvipalveluihin: Google Drive, Microsoft Live OneDrive, Dropbox
    - Päätoimintojen juurituki (valinnainen)
    - Lähetä tiedostoja Bluetoothin kautta (OBEX)
    - Kuvien pikkukuvat
    - Kaksi paneelia vierekkäin tai virtuaalinen kahden paneelin tila
    - Kirjanmerkit
    - Hakemistohistoria
    - Tallenna muista sovelluksista vastaanotetut tiedostot jakotoiminnon kautta
    - Mediasoitin, joka voi suoratoistaa suoraan LAN-, WebDAV- ja pilvilaajennuksista
    - Muokattava painikerivi hakemistojen, sisäisten komentojen, sovellusten käynnistämiseen ja komentotulkkikomentojen lähettämiseen
    - Yksinkertainen ohjetoiminto englanniksi, saksaksi, venäjäksi, ukrainaksi ja tšekin kielellä
    - Optimoinnit näkövammaisille, kuten teksti kuvakkeille
    - Pääohjelman tuetut kielet: englanti, saksa, bulgaria, kroatia, tšekki, tanska, hollanti, ranska, kreikka, heprea, unkari, indonesia, italia, japani, korea, puola, portugali, romania, venäjä, serbia, yksinkertaistettu kiina , slovakki, slovenia, espanja, ruotsi, perinteinen kiina, turkki, ukraina ja vietnami.
    - Julkinen käännös osoitteessa http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander

    Tietoja uudesta luvasta "SuperUser":
    Tätä lupaa pyydetään nyt, jotta Total Commander toimisi paremmin juurtuneilla laitteilla. Se kertoo SuperUser-sovellukselle, että Total Commander tukee juuritoimintoja. Sillä ei ole vaikutusta, jos laitettasi ei ole rootattu. Juuritoimintojen avulla Total Commander voi kirjoittaa järjestelmäkansioihin, kuten /system tai /data. Sinua varoitetaan ennen kuin mitään kirjoitetaan, jos osio on kirjoitussuojattu.
    Täältä löydät lisätietoja:

  • Version3.41

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Shows message to confirm the privacy policy on first start.
    - Asks for permission to get list of installed apps.
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android-versio työpöydän tiedostojenhallinnasta Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Tärkeä huomautus: Tämä sovellus EI sisällä mainoksia. Se sisältää kuitenkin linkin "Lisää laajennuksia (lataus)" kotikansiossa. Play Kauppa käsittelee tätä mainoksena, koska se linkittää muihin sovelluksiimme (laajennuksiin).

    - Kopioi, Siirrä kokonaisia ​​alikansioita
    - Vedä ja pudota (paina pitkään tiedostokuvaketta, siirrä kuvaketta)
    - Luo hakemistoja paikan uudelleennimeämisessä
    - Poista (ei roskakoria)
    - Vetoketju ja vetoketju, unrar
    - Ominaisuudet-valintaikkuna, muuta käyttöoikeuksia
    - Sisäänrakennettu tekstieditori
    - Hakutoiminto (myös tekstille)
    - Valitse / poista tiedostoryhmien valinta
    - Valitse napauttamalla tiedostokuvakkeita
    - Valitse alue: Pitkä napautus + vapauta kuvaketta
    - Näytä luettelo asennetuista sovelluksista, varmuuskopioi sovellukset manuaalisesti (sisäänrakennettu laajennus)
    - FTP- ja SFTP-asiakasohjelma (liitännäinen)
    - WebDAV (verkkokansiot) (laajennus)
    - LAN-yhteys (liitännäinen)
    - Lisäosat pilvipalveluihin: Google Drive, Microsoft Live OneDrive, Dropbox
    - Päätoimintojen juurituki (valinnainen)
    - Lähetä tiedostoja Bluetoothin kautta (OBEX)
    - Kuvien pikkukuvat
    - Kaksi paneelia vierekkäin tai virtuaalinen kahden paneelin tila
    - Kirjanmerkit
    - Hakemistohistoria
    - Tallenna muista sovelluksista vastaanotetut tiedostot jakotoiminnon kautta
    - Mediasoitin, joka voi suoratoistaa suoraan LAN-, WebDAV- ja pilvilaajennuksista
    - Muokattava painikerivi hakemistojen, sisäisten komentojen, sovellusten käynnistämiseen ja komentotulkkikomentojen lähettämiseen
    - Yksinkertainen ohjetoiminto englanniksi, saksaksi, venäjäksi, ukrainaksi ja tšekin kielellä
    - Optimoinnit näkövammaisille, kuten teksti kuvakkeille
    - Pääohjelman tuetut kielet: englanti, saksa, bulgaria, kroatia, tšekki, tanska, hollanti, ranska, kreikka, heprea, unkari, indonesia, italia, japani, korea, puola, portugali, romania, venäjä, serbia, yksinkertaistettu kiina , slovakki, slovenia, espanja, ruotsi, perinteinen kiina, turkki, ukraina ja vietnami.
    - Julkinen käännös osoitteessa http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander

    Tietoja uudesta luvasta "SuperUser":
    Tätä lupaa pyydetään nyt, jotta Total Commander toimisi paremmin juurtuneilla laitteilla. Se kertoo SuperUser-sovellukselle, että Total Commander tukee juuritoimintoja. Sillä ei ole vaikutusta, jos laitettasi ei ole rootattu. Juuritoimintojen avulla Total Commander voi kirjoittaa järjestelmäkansioihin, kuten /system tai /data. Sinua varoitetaan ennen kuin mitään kirjoitetaan, jos osio on kirjoitussuojattu.
    Täältä löydät lisätietoja:

  • Version3.40

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Media player: Multiple taps on the left/right quarter of the screen jumps back/forward by x seconds
    - Media player: Support for new default media player notification (configurable)
    - Quick search in bookmarks
    - Updated to Android 13 functions
    - New languages: Catalan, Finnish

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link "Add plugins (download)" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).

    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subfolders
    - Drag & Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - In place rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - Show List of installed Applications, manually backup apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live OneDrive, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Save files received from other apps via share function
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander

    About the new permission "SuperUser":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander supports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version3.33

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - media player control via headset buttons was faulty
    - prevent installation of all apk files due to Google Play policies
    3.30 (including beta versions):
    - Use new permission for file managers on Android 11
    - Thumbnails: RAW image support
    - File picker can now return multiple files
    - Quick search in media player
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link "Add plugins (download)" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).

    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag & Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander

    About the new permission "SuperUser":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version3.32
    Size:Varies with device

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - prevent installation of all apk files due to Google Play policies
    3.30 (including beta versions):
    - Use new permission for file managers on Android 11
    - Thumbnails: RAW image support
    - File picker can now return multiple files
    - Quick search in media player
    - Installing multi-part apps with .obb extensions
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link \"Add plugins (download)\" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).
    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag \u0026 Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander
    About the new permission \"SuperUser\":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version3.31
    Size:Varies with device

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - prevent installation of own apk, only link to store plugins (Google Play policies)
    3.30 (including beta versions):
    - Use new permission for file managers on Android 11
    - Thumbnails: RAW image support
    - File picker can now return multiple files
    - Quick search in media player
    - Installing multi-part apps with .obb extensions
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link \"Add plugins (download)\" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).
    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag \u0026 Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander
    About the new permission \"SuperUser\":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version2022-02-09
    Size:Varies with device

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Bugfixes
    - Install unencrypted app bundles with the .apkm extension
    - Button bar: Command 115 "Calculate occupied space" now also works in archives
    - Search function: Option to find only folders
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link \"Add plugins (download)\" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).
    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag \u0026 Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander
    About the new permission \"SuperUser\":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version2021-10-18
    Size:Varies with device

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Bugfixes
    - Install unencrypted app bundles with the .apkm extension
    - Button bar: Command 115 "Calculate occupied space" now also works in archives
    - Search function: Option to find only folders
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link \"Add plugins (download)\" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).
    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag \u0026 Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander
    About the new permission \"SuperUser\":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

  • Version2021-06-23
    Size:Vaihtelee laitteen mukaan

    Android versio työpöydälle tiedosto manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

    Update Log

    - Bugfixes
    - Install unencrypted app bundles with the .apkm extension
    - Button bar: Command 115 "Calculate occupied space" now also works in archives
    - Search function: Option to find only folders
    - Bugfixes

    App Description

    Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).
    Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link \"Add plugins (download)\" in the home folder. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store because it links to our other apps (plugins).
    Main features:
    - Copy, Move whole subdirs
    - Drag \u0026 Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
    - Inplace rename, create directories
    - Delete (no recycle bin)
    - Zip and unzip, unrar
    - Properties dialog, change permissions
    - Built-in text editor
    - Search function (also for text)
    - Select/unselect groups of files
    - Select by tapping on file icons
    - Select range: Long tap+release on icon
    - List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
    - FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
    - WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
    - LAN access (plugin)
    - Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
    - Root support for the main functions (optional)
    - Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
    - Thumbnails for pictures
    - Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
    - Bookmarks
    - Directory history
    - Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
    - Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
    - Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
    - Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
    - Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
    - Public translation via http://crowdin.net/project/total-commander
    About the new permission \"SuperUser\":
    This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
    You can find some more information here:

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