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1000+ Psychology Facts App
Peste 1000 de fapte psihologice: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste
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Version History

  • Version5.0

    Peste 1000 de fapte psihologice: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    Now you can add any fact to your "Favourites" list.
    Directly share a fact
    New UI
    New theme
    And many more improvements

    App Description

    NOTĂ: ACEASTA APLICAȚIE ESTE DISPONIBILĂ NUMAI ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ (Putem adăuga mai multe traduceri la ea în viitorul apropiat).

    Aplicația 1000+ de fapte psihologice: fapte psihologice și fapte finale pentru hack-uri psihologice și această aplicație include fapte din viață.

    Ce este psihologia?

    Psihologia este studiul științific al minții și al comportamentului. Psihologia este o disciplină cu mai multe fațete și include multe subdomenii de studiu, cum ar fi dezvoltarea umană, sportul, sănătatea, comportamentul clinic, social și procesele cognitive.

    Perspectivele clasice contemporane în psihologie de a adopta strategii științifice au fost comportamentaliștii, care erau renumiți pentru încrederea lor pe experimentele de laborator controlate și respingerea oricăror forțe nevăzute sau subconștiente ca cauze ale comportamentului.
    Mai târziu, psihologia cognitivă a adoptat și această abordare științifică riguroasă, științifică, bazată pe laborator, cu aplicare la memorie, percepție, dezvoltare cognitivă, boli mintale și multe altele.

    Peste 1000 de caracteristici ale aplicației Psychology Facts:
    > Funcționează offline
    > Peste 30 de categorii de fapte psihologice uimitoare
    > Interfață curată ușor de utilizat
    > Temă întunecată minunată
    > Funcționează incredibil pe toate ecranele mobile și tablete
    > Copiați orice număr de fapte psihologice și partajați-le instantaneu pe orice platformă de socializare
    > Căutați prin toate categoriile de fapte psihologice
    > Veți primi o notificare zilnică de fapte

    Această aplicație are mai mult de 1000 de fapte psihologice și fapte fiziologice. Această aplicație conține peste 30 de categorii și atât de multe fapte psihologice și fapte fiziologice.

    Această aplicație vă spune despre creierul uman, aura și psihologia și unele părți ale creierului uman. Structura creierului nostru este complexă și, prin urmare, acest lucru face prea multe fapte care conțin în psihologia umană.

    Mai jos sunt toate categoriile pe care le include această aplicație de date psihologice:

    Fapte psihologice despre Singur sau Fapte psihologice despre Singurătate
    Fapte psihologice despre furie
    Informații psihologice despre atracție
    Fapte psihologice despre limbajul corpului
    Fapte psihologice despre creier
    Fapte psihologice despre încredere
    Fapte psihologice despre Crush
    Fapte psihologice despre depresie
    Fapte psihologice despre vise
    Fapte psihologice despre emoție
    Fapte psihologice despre extroverți
    Fapte psihologice despre contactul vizual
    Fapte psihologice despre familie
    Fapte psihologice despre frică
    Fapte psihologice despre sentimente
    Fapte psihologice despre femeie
    Fapte psihologice despre prieteni
    Fapte psihologice despre fericire
    Fapte psihologice despre sănătate
    Fapte psihologice despre comportamentul uman
    Fapte psihologice despre imaginație
    Fapte psihologice despre introvertiți
    Fapte psihologice despre dragoste
    Fapte psihologice despre Masculin
    Fapte psihologice despre meditație
    Informații psihologice despre muzică
    Fapte psihologice despre personalitate
    Fapte psihologice despre respingere
    Fapte psihologice despre relații
    Fapte psihologice despre somn
    Informații psihologice despre stres
    O altă categorie pentru unele de succes Citate este de asemenea prezentă.
    Vă rugăm să partajați această aplicație cu familia și prietenii dvs.

    Aceasta este prima noastră aplicație și v-am fi recunoscători dacă ați putea oferi un feedback valoros pentru a aprecia munca noastră, astfel încât această aplicație să poată fi găsită în multe aplicații de psihologie.

    Dacă aveți probleme legate de această aplicație, vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați la e-mailul nostru: [email protected]
    De asemenea, ne puteți trimite un e-mail direct din aplicație

    Aceasta este o aplicație de psihologie numită „1000+ de fapte psihologice”.
    carti de psihologie gratuite

    Această aplicație conține atât de multe fapte care vă vor uimi mintea, iar aceste fapte sunt despre fapte despre creier, hack-uri ale creierului, schimbări de comportament, sfaturi și fapte, psihologia tenisului, starea actuală de spirit și faptele lor.

    Această aplicație conține, de asemenea, multe mai multe fapte care nu sunt ușor de găsit pe internet și am adăugat acele fapte de psihologie, aură și psihologie în această aplicație și există multe fapte autentice. Pentru a afla multe sfaturi și fapte, despre infatuare și multe articole de psihologie sau despre știința iubirii sau știința din spatele relațiilor și emoțiilor, puteți încerca această aplicație.
    R citate motivaționale minți umane

  • Version4.5.2.3

    Peste 1000 de fapte psihologice: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts App: Psychological facts and ultimate facts for psychology hacks and this app include facts of life.

    What is Psychology?

    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.

    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviourists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behaviour.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.

    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    > Works Offline
    > 30+ Amazing Psychological Facts Categories
    > Clean user-friendly interface
    > Awesome dark theme
    > Works incredibly on all mobile and tablet screens
    > Copy any number of psychological facts and share them instantly on any social media platform
    > Search through all psychology facts categories
    > You will get daily facts notification

    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiological facts. This app contains 30+ categories and so many psychology facts and physiological facts.

    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.

    Below are all categories that this psychological facts app includes:

    Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    Psychology facts about Anger
    Psychology facts about Attraction
    Psychology facts about Body Language
    Psychology facts about Brain
    Psychology facts about Confidence
    Psychology facts about Crush
    Psychology facts about Depression
    Psychology facts about Dreams
    Psychology facts about Emotion
    Psychology facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Family
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychology facts about Music
    Psychology facts about Personality
    Psychology facts about Rejection
    Psychology facts about Relationships
    Psychology facts about Sleep
    Psychology facts about Stress
    A different category for some success Quotes is also present.
    Please share this app with your family and friends.

    This is our first app and we would be grateful if you could give it valuable feedback to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.

    If you have any issues related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    You can also email us directly from the app

    This is a Psychology app named "1000+ Psychology Facts".
    psychology books free

    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacks, behavioral changes, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.

    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many psychology articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships and emotions, you can try this app.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.5.2.2

    Peste 1000 de fapte psihologice: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    Stability Improvements

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviourists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behaviour.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    \u003e Works Offline
    \u003e 29 Psychology Facts Categories
    \u003e Clean user-friendly interface
    \u003e Theme according to your device theme
    \u003e Works on all mobile and tablet screens
    \u003e Fact sharing and copying feature
    \u003e Search feature for searching through categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology facts. The app contains more than 25 categories and many psychological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    Below are all the categories included in the app :
    1. Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    2. Psychology facts about Anger
    3. Psychology facts about Attraction
    4. Psychology facts about Body Language
    5. Psychology facts about Brain
    6. Psychology facts about Confidence
    7. Psychology facts about Crush
    8. Psychology facts about Depression
    9. Psychology facts about Dreams
    10. Psychology facts about Emotion
    11. Psychology facts about Extroverts
    12. Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    13. Psychological facts about Fear
    14. Psychological facts about Feelings
    15. Psychological facts about Female
    16. Psychological facts about Friends
    17. Psychological facts about Happiness
    18. Psychological facts about Health
    19. Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    20. Psychological facts about Imagination
    21. Psychological facts about Introverts
    22. Psychological facts about Love
    23. Psychological facts about Male
    24. Psychological facts about Meditation
    25. Psychology facts about Music
    26. Psychology facts about Relationships
    27. Psychology facts about Sad
    28. Psychology facts about Sleep
    29. Psychology facts about Stress
    30. Psychology facts about Success
    You can share this app with your family and friends within the app if you want.
    If you have any issues related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This app contains so many facts that you will enjoy reading and there are brain facts, about behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and body psychology and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. A category for motivation quotes is also present.
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many psychology articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, this app can be helpful.
    Thank You

  • Version4.5.2

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    \u003e Works Offline
    \u003e 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    \u003e Clean user-friendly interface
    \u003e Awesome black and red theme
    \u003e Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    \u003e Fact sharing and copying feature
    \u003e Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    You can help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all the categories included in the app :
    1. Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    2. Psychology facts about Anger
    3. Psychology facts about Attraction
    4. Psychology facts about Body Language
    5. Psychology facts about Brain
    6. Psychology facts about Confidence
    7. Psychology facts about Crush
    8. Psychology facts about Depression
    9. Psychology facts about Dreams
    10. Psychology facts about Emotion
    11. Psychology facts about Extroverts
    12. Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    13. Psychological facts about Fear
    14. Psychological facts about Feelings
    15. Psychological facts about Female
    16. Psychological facts about Friends
    17. Psychological facts about Happiness
    18. Psychological facts about Health
    19. Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    20. Psychological facts about Imagination
    21. Psychological facts about Introverts
    22. Psychological facts about Love
    23. Psychological facts about Male
    24. Psychological facts about Meditation
    25. Psychology facts about Music
    26. Psychology facts about Relationships
    27. Psychology facts about Sad
    28. Psychology facts about Sleep
    29. Psychology facts about Stress
    30. Psychology facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issues related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many psychology articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.5.1

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    Serial numbers added on all facts.
    Now you can send feedback from the app.
    Now share the app with anyone.

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    \u003e Works Offline
    \u003e 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    \u003e Clean user-friendly interface
    \u003e Awesome black and red theme
    \u003e Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    \u003e Fact sharing and copying feature
    \u003e Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    You can help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all categories :
    Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    Psychology facts about Anger
    Psychology facts about Attraction
    Psychology facts about Body Language
    Psychology facts about Brain
    Psychology facts about Confidence
    Psychology facts about Crush
    Psychology facts about Depression
    Psychology facts about Dreams
    Psychology facts about Emotion
    Psychology facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychology facts about Music
    Psychology facts about Relationships
    Psychology facts about Sad
    Psychology facts about Sleep
    Psychology facts about Stress
    Psychology facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issue related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This is a Psychology app named \"1000+ Psychology Facts\".
    psychology books free
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many psychology articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.4.5

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    Mistakes and errors solved
    New app theme
    Stability Improvements

    App Description

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

  • Version4.4.4

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    Some aesthetic changes

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    > Works Offline
    > 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    > Clean user-friendly interface
    > Awesome black and red theme
    > Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    > Fact sharing and copying feature
    > Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    Please help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all categories :
    Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    Psychology facts about Anger
    Psychology facts about Attraction
    Psychology facts about Body Language
    Psychology facts about Brain
    Psychology facts about Confidence
    Psychology facts about Crush
    Psychology facts about Depression
    Psychology facts about Dreams
    Psychology facts about Emotion
    Psychology facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychology facts about Music
    Psychology facts about Relationships
    Psychology facts about Sad
    Psychology facts about Sleep
    Psychology facts about Stress
    Psychology facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issue related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This is a Psychology app named "1000+ Psychology Facts".
    psychology books free
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many many psychology article and articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.4.3

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: o aplicație pentru fapte psihologice despre furie, creier, dragoste

    Update Log

    - Corrections in the numbering of facts
    - Font changed
    - Facts added in REJECTION category
    - Some error solved (More will be solved in next updates)

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    > Works Offline
    > 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    > Clean user-friendly interface
    > Awesome black and red theme
    > Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    > Fact sharing and copying feature
    > Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    Please help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all categories :
    Psychology facts about Alone or Psychology facts about Loneliness
    Psychology facts about Anger
    Psychology facts about Attraction
    Psychology facts about Body Language
    Psychology facts about Brain
    Psychology facts about Confidence
    Psychology facts about Crush
    Psychology facts about Depression
    Psychology facts about Dreams
    Psychology facts about Emotion
    Psychology facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychology facts about Music
    Psychology facts about Relationships
    Psychology facts about Sad
    Psychology facts about Sleep
    Psychology facts about Stress
    Psychology facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issue related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This is a Psychology app named "1000+ Psychology Facts".
    psychology books free
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many many psychology article and articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.4.2

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: aplicație de psihologie pentru fapte psihologice și motivație

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    > Works Offline
    > 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    > Clean user-friendly interface
    > Awesome black and red theme
    > Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    > Fact sharing and copying feature
    > Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    Please help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all categories :
    Psychological facts about Alone or Psychological facts about Loneliness
    Psychological facts about Anger
    Psychological facts about Attraction
    Psychological facts about Body Language
    Psychological facts about Brain
    Psychological facts about Confidence
    Psychological facts about Crush
    Psychological facts about Depression
    Psychological facts about Dreams
    Psychological facts about Emotion
    Psychological facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychological facts about Music
    Psychological facts about Relationships
    Psychological facts about Sad
    Psychological facts about Sleep
    Psychological facts about Stress
    Psychological facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issue related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This is a Psychology app named "1000+ Psychology Facts".
    psychology books free
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many many psychology article and articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

  • Version4.4.1

    1000+ fapte de psihologie: aplicație de psihologie pentru fapte psihologice și motivație

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    App size reduced

    App Description

    1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks.
    What is Psychology?
    Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.
    Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information; others analyze the role of evolution, and still, others study the influence of culture and society.
    The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behavior.
    Later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too, with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental illness, and much more.
    1000+ Psychology Facts App Features:
    > Works Offline
    > 29 Amazing Psychology Facts Categories
    > Clean user-friendly interface
    > Awesome black and red theme
    > Works awesome on all mobile and tablet screens
    > Fact sharing and copying feature
    > Search through all categories
    This app has more than 1000 psychology facts and physiology. This app contains more than 25 categories and many psychology facts and physiological facts.
    This app tells you about the human brain, aura and psychology, and some parts of the human brain. Our brain structure is complex and thus this makes too many facts that contain in human psychology.
    Please help us to make this app No.1 Psychological Facts app on the google play store.
    Below are all categories :
    Psychological facts about Alone or Psychological facts about Loneliness
    Psychological facts about Anger
    Psychological facts about Attraction
    Psychological facts about Body Language
    Psychological facts about Brain
    Psychological facts about Confidence
    Psychological facts about Crush
    Psychological facts about Depression
    Psychological facts about Dreams
    Psychological facts about Emotion
    Psychological facts about Extroverts
    Psychological facts about Eye Contact
    Psychological facts about Fear
    Psychological facts about Feelings
    Psychological facts about Female
    Psychological facts about Friends
    Psychological facts about Happiness
    Psychological facts about Health
    Psychological facts about Human Behavior
    Psychological facts about Imagination
    Psychological facts about Introverts
    Psychological facts about Love
    Psychological facts about Male
    Psychological facts about Meditation
    Psychological facts about Music
    Psychological facts about Relationships
    Psychological facts about Sad
    Psychological facts about Sleep
    Psychological facts about Stress
    Psychological facts about Success
    Please share this app with your family and friends.
    This is our first app and we want you to give it a valuable rating to appreciate our work so that this app can be found in many psychology apps out there.
    If you have any issue related to this app, please feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected]
    This is a Psychology app named "1000+ Psychology Facts".
    psychology books free
    This app contains so many facts that will blow your mind and these facts are about brain facts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts, tennis psychology, the current state of mind, and their facts.
    This app also contains many more facts that are not easy to find on the internet and we have added those psychology, aura and psychology facts in this app and many genuine facts are there. Inspirational Quotes
    To know many tips and facts, about infatuation and many many psychology article and articles or knowing about love science or science behind relationships emotions, please try this app at least once :)
    At last, I will say that if you are looking for the best psychology app then please try this one out.
    R human minds motivational quotes

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