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Note Manager: Notepad app with
Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version4.11.2

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.11 • Found a possible solution to some of the new storage restrictions • Search the folder list • New options requested by users
    v4.10 • Enforced new storage restrictions on Android 10 and 11 • New manual backup system
    v4.9 • Print, save and share your notes as a PDF file with A4 page size • App lock
    v4.8 • Customize back button action • Customize action for long-press on main list
    v4.7 • Rearrange tags • Tag suggestions • Select first day of the week in the calendar

    App Description

    Muistinhallintaohjelma on pieni offline-muistikirja, jossa on kansioita, jotta kaikki muistiinpanot ja tehtävät voidaan tallentaa muistutuksin. Lisää tarkistuslistoja, tehtävälistoja ja ostoslistoja ja lisää kuvia kaiken helpottamiseksi
    • kirjoittaa rajoittamaton määrän pituisia muistiinpanoja ja luetteloita ja sisällyttää useita kuvia
    • luoda muistiinpanoja ilmoituksilla
    • kiinnitä tehtäväluettelot tilariville, kunnes olet valmis
    • vastaanottaa muistutuksia koskevia ilmoituksia, jopa toistuvasti määräajoin
    • tulevien muistutusten kalenteri, jotta et menetä mitään määräaikoja
    • aseta muistiinpanoillesi erilaiset prioriteetit
    • näppäimistö-widget korkean prioriteetin tehtäviin
    • yksityinen tila suojata kansioita ja muistiinpanoja salasanalla
    • kirjoita teksti lihavoitu ja kursivoitu , jopa luetteloihisi
    • luokittele muistiinpanosi ja luettelot väreillä kansioihin
    • suodata muistiinpanosi luokan, tunnisteiden ja mediatyypin mukaan
    • Lajittele muistiinpanot prioriteetin, kategorian, päivämäärän ja ajan mukaan aakkosjärjestyksessä tai muistutuspäivän perusteella
    • jaa muistiinpanot tekstinä liitteenä olevien tiedostojen kanssa
    • arkistoi muistiinpanot, joita et käytä, mutta joita et halua poistaa
    • järjestää ja tyhjentää kaikki tarkistuslistojen kohteet uudelleen käyttääksesi luetteloa
    • monia asetusten mukautusvaihtoehtoja (ruudukon asettelu, muistiinpanojen selaus, sanamäärä, värilliset muistiinpanot)
    • yötila (tumma teema)

    Note Managerilla ei ole mainoksia, eikä se jaa henkilökohtaisia ​​tietojasi. Se sisältää valinnaisia ​​kertaluonteisia premium-ominaisuuksia sovelluksen kehittämisen tukemiseksi, joiden avulla voit myös:
    • sisällyttää muistiinpanoihisi videot, online-valokuvat ja gifit, sekä äänen (äänitallenteet) ja liitetiedostot
    • Lisää valokuvia tekstien ja luetteloiden yläpuolelle, alapuolelle ja väliin
    • ryhmittele valokuvasi useisiin mosaiikkiasetteluyhdistelmiin
    • tallentaa ja jakaa muistiinpanosi kuvina
    • mukauttaa muistiinpanojesi tekstin fonttia, kokoa ja väriä
    • etsiä ja korostaa tekstiä muistiinpanoissa ja luetteloissa
    • räätälöi kansiosi valokuvien, nimikirjaimien ja hymiöiden avulla
    • rajoittamaton alikansio
    • online-varmuuskopio siirtääksesi muistiinpanosi toiseen puhelimeen
    • mukauta sovelluksen ulkonäkö 12 väriteemalla

    Jos löydät jonkin verran virheen, jotain, joka ei toimi, luulet puuttuvan tai et pidä, käytä sovelluksen Yhteystiedot ja palaute -osaa , niin kerro minulle , ja korjaan sen!

    Kiitos, että käytit sovellustani!

    Käyttöoikeudet: Note Manager tarvitsee tallennusoikeudet puhelimen kuvien linkittämiseen ja Internet-käyttöoikeudet linkittääksesi online-kuvia ja tehdäksesi online-varmuuskopion.

    • Muistihallinta ei säilytä kopioita valokuvistasi, se linkittää vain puhelimesi valokuviin. Jos siirrät tai poistat valokuvia laitteeltasi, linkki lakkaa toimimasta ja kuvan lakkaaminen näkymästä sovelluksessa. On mahdollista linkittää valokuvia pilvestä. Tällä tavalla sinun ei tarvitse pitää niitä laitteellasi
    • Note Manager on offline-sovellus. Jos asennat sen useisiin laitteisiin, muistiinpanosi eivät synkronoidu automaattisesti niiden välillä. Voit edelleen palauttaa varmuuskopion laitteesta toiseen (kuten puhelimien vaihtamisessa), mutta tämä järjestelmä ei ole hyödyllinen muistiinpanojen kirjoittamiseen useille laitteille samanaikaisesti
    • Note Manager käyttää suositeltuja Android-kirjastoja muistutusilmoitusten lähettämiseen. Tietyissä laitteissa muistutuksia ei välttämättä kuitenkaan lähetetä, jos sovellus poistetaan puhelimen muistista. Tämä ongelma ei kuulu valvontaani, etenkin valmistajien kanssa, jotka toimittavat akkuja säästäviä ohjelmia

  • Version4.10.2

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.10 • Enforced new storage restrictions on Android 10 and 11 • New manual backup system
    v4.9 • Print, save and share your notes as a PDF file with A4 page size • App lock
    v4.8 • Customize back button action • Customize action for long-press on main list
    v4.7 • Rearrange tags • Tag suggestions • Select first day of the week in the calendar
    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don\u0027t miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don\u0027t want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn\u0027t have ads and it doesn\u0027t share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn\u0027t work, that you think is missing or that you don\u0027t like, please use the Contact \u0026 Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn\u0027t keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don\u0027t have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don\u0027t sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone\u0027s memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs

  • Version4.10

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.10 • Enforced new storage restrictions on Android 10 and 11
    v4.9 • Print, save and share your notes as a PDF file with A4 page size • App lock
    v4.8 • Customize back button action • Customize action for long-press on main list
    v4.7 • Rearrange tags • Tag suggestions • Select first day of the week in the calendar
    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don\u0027t miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don\u0027t want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn\u0027t have ads and it doesn\u0027t share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn\u0027t work, that you think is missing or that you don\u0027t like, please use the Contact \u0026 Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn\u0027t keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don\u0027t have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don\u0027t sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone\u0027s memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs

  • Version4.8

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.8 • Customize back button action • Customize action for long-press on main list
    v4.7 • Rearrange tags • Tag suggestions • Select first day of the week in the calendar
    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders
    v4.5 • Ready for Android 11? Report me any errors! • Option to create automatic backups in your device
    v4.4 • Underline text • Center text • Duplicate notes • Rearrange sections

    App Description

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

  • Version4.7

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.7 • Rearrange tags • Tag suggestions • Select first day of the week in the calendar
    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders
    v4.5 • Ready for Android 11? Report me any errors! • Option to create automatic backups in your device
    v4.4 • Underline text • Center text • Duplicate notes • Rearrange sections • Add a dividing line between sections • Color themes with gray background
    v4.3 • Subfolders

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don't miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don't want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn't have ads and it doesn't share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn't work, that you think is missing or that you don't like, please use the Contact & Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn't keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don't have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don't sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone's memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs

  • Version4.6.1

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders
    v4.5 • Ready for Android 11? Report me any errors! • Option to create automatic backups in your device
    v4.4 • Underline text • Center text • Duplicate notes • Rearrange sections • Add a dividing line between sections • Color themes with gray background
    v4.3 • Subfolders • Private folders • Folder customization • Background colors • Custom note order

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don't miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don't want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn't have ads and it doesn't share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn't work, that you think is missing or that you don't like, please use the Contact & Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn't keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don't have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don't sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone's memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs

  • Version2020-12-17

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.6 • Media tabs • Regenerate links to your photos and files after you change phones • Set a priority to your notes with reminders
    v4.5 • Ready for Android 11? Report me any errors! • Option to create automatic backups in your device
    v4.4 • Underline text • Center text • Duplicate notes • Rearrange sections • Add a dividing line between sections • Color themes with gray background
    v4.3 • Subfolders • Private folders • Folder customization • Background colors • Custom note order

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don't miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don't want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn't have ads and it doesn't share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn't work, that you think is missing or that you don't like, please use the Contact & Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn't keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don't have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don't sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone's memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs

  • Version4.5.1

    Yksityinen muistilappu tehtäväluetteloilla ja muistutuksilla. Kirjoita ja jaa tekstiä valokuvien kanssa

    Update Log

    v4.5 • Ready for Android 11? Report me any errors! • Option to create automatic backups in your device
    v4.4 • Underline text • Center text • Duplicate notes • Rearrange sections • Add a dividing line between sections • Color themes with gray background
    v4.3 • Subfolders • Private folders • Folder customization (initials, emoji) • Folder background colors • Custom note order • Improved multiple selection options
    v4.2 • Improved support for right-to-left languages

    App Description

    Note Manager is a small size offline notepad with folders to write down all your notes and tasks with reminders. Add checklists, To-Do lists and shopping lists, and include images to make everything easier
    • write down unlimited notes and lists of any length, and include multiple photos
    • create sticky notes with notifications
    • pin your To-Do lists in the status bar until you have finished them
    • receive notifications of your reminders, even repeated periodically
    • calendar of upcoming reminders so you don't miss any deadlines
    • set different priorities for your notes
    • pinboard widget for high priority tasks
    • private mode to protect your folders and notes with a password
    • write text in bold and italic, even in your lists
    • classify your notes and lists in folders with colors
    • filter your notes by category, tags and media type
    • sort your notes by priority, category, date and time, alphabetically or by reminder date
    • share your notes as text with attached files
    • archive the notes that you are not using, but that you don't want to delete
    • rearrange and clear all the items in your checklists to reuse the list
    • many customization options in the Settings (grid layout, note navigation, word count, colored notes)
    • night mode (dark theme)
    Note Manager doesn't have ads and it doesn't share your personal data. It contains optional one-time premium features to support the app development, that also let you:
    • include in your notes videos, online photos and gifs, as well as audio (voice recordings) and file attachments
    • add photos above, below, and between your texts and lists
    • group your photos in several mosaic layout combinations
    • save and share your notes as images
    • customize the font, size and color of the texts in your notes
    • search and highlight text in your notes and lists
    • customize your folders with photos, initials and emoji
    • unlimited subfolders
    • online backup to transfer your notes to another phone
    • customize how the app looks with 12 color themes
    If at any point you find an error, something that doesn't work, that you think is missing or that you don't like, please use the Contact & Feedback section inside the app to let me know, and I will fix it!
    Thank you for using my app!
    Permissions: Note Manager needs Storage permissions to link images from your phone, and Internet permissions to link online images and do the online backup.
    • Note Manager doesn't keep copies of your photos, it only links to the photos on your phone. If you move or delete the photos from your device, the link stops working and the photo stops showing on the app. There is an option to link photos from the cloud. That way, you don't have to keep them on your device
    • Note Manager is an offline app. If you install it in multiple devices, your notes don't sync automatically between them. You can still restore a backup from one device to another (as in changing phones), but this system is not useful for writing notes in multiple devices simultaneously
    • Note Manager uses the recommended Android libraries to send your reminder notifications. However, in certain devices, if the app is removed from the phone's memory the reminders may not be sent. This problem is outside of my control, especially with manufacturers that include battery-saving programs