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StrongVPN - Fast, Private VPN
StrongVPN is your fast, easy tool for privacy online
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This VPN is disconnected automatically It can't secure my location 😠😠

0 0
06/28/2024 20:15:31

Unable to login, credentials are correct.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

We will be happy to assist you further, just reach to our support team at https://support.strongvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043312254-

06/26/2024 09:34:14

Paid a lot of money but can't open

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

We will be happy to assist you further, just reach to our support team at https://support.strongvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043312254-How-Can-I-Contact-StrongVPN-Customer-Support-

06/26/2024 03:13:47

very good

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

Hello, we are very happy to hear that you are enjoying your StrongVPN - Please reach out to us if you have any questions :) We are glad to have you as part of the StrongVPN family.

06/26/2024 02:13:05


0 0
06/24/2024 09:22:15

Very best thanks for feedback support

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/18/2024

Hello, we are very happy to hear that you are enjoying your StrongVPN - Please reach out to us if you have any questions :) We are glad to have you as part of the StrongVPN family.

06/16/2024 18:26:55

Beware IPv6 connections are NOT always protected. After a chance conversation it became clear that, Even with the VPN on, your security may still be compromised. It's difficult to find this information as StrongVPN clearly don't want you to know that your IP, location and traffic may be compromised using the standard/recommended settings. I've been with this company 20 years, since it was ibVPN, and was never made aware of this security hole. When challenged about it they tried to brush it off.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Hi Bob, We don't try to hide the fact that having IPv6 enabled could cause a leak. We are very open with users doing manual configurations letting them know that it is recommended to disable IPv6. Most VPN providers do not yet support IPv6. It is a major undertaking to support it. if you use our app, it has protections built in.

06/14/2024 00:24:16

it good but it delay network sometimes

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Hello, we are very happy to hear that you are enjoying your StrongVPN - You do lose a little bit of speed because of the encryption we use to protect your device and secure your connection. Please reach out to us if you have any questions :) We are glad to have you as part of the StrongVPN family.

06/12/2024 03:43:05

Great service, used for years.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/12/2024

Hello, we are very happy to hear that you are enjoying your StrongVPN - Please reach out to us if you have any questions :) We are glad to have you as part of the StrongVPN family.

06/10/2024 12:13:34

Love StrongVPN! It allows me to watch live TV wherever I am.

0 0
06/09/2024 16:33:13
No data yet.No data yet.
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