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Yoga | Down Dog
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the way the sessions are lead are great. T different styles of yoga that we can choose from is very cool to see. I am excited to continue to use this app

07/13/2024 00:52:18

amazing the first class 👏😁

0 0
07/12/2024 23:26:31

exceptional for yoga practice.

07/12/2024 15:25:43

I don't see ashtanga practice anymore. Do I miss something?

0 0
07/12/2024 09:56:13

Please unsubscribe me from your service

0 0
07/11/2024 10:32:26

Fantastic app with tons of options and reasonable variety of poses. I had a shoulder injury and dropped my practice for a while (mistake!), but jumping back in was easy and simple. This experience is so much better and more relaxing than trying to follow along with a YouTube video!

07/11/2024 01:43:51

Really great app in many ways. My only complaint is that there are no translation options for some pose names. I try to mostly do everything by sound, but sometimes the instructor voice will just say the name of the pose in Sanskrit. I, like over 8 billion other humans, do not speak Sanskrit.

0 0
07/10/2024 23:18:20

Really liked it as a way to do yoga occasionally, unfortunately they seem to have removed the free version. I don't use it enough to pay for a subscription.

07/10/2024 22:05:31

the best. detailed review soon.

0 0
07/10/2024 10:58:10

First session tonight after a 12 hour shift at work . A great 30 minutes Vinyasa flow, just what my body needed. loved the flow of the video and all the different stretches. initial views of the app are very positive

0 0
07/10/2024 06:03:54
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