In the name of of Allah the Merciful,
We are pleased and honored to put in your hands this legal ruqyah, which is concerned with mental illnesses, hoping that God Almighty will write a cure for all who have heard it.

The application of legal ruqyah mental illness and depression provides you with a final treatment by the command of God from every magic eye envy touching mental and neurological diseases, and legal paper repetition as needed.
Al-Raqia Sharia program for the treatment of mental illness supports all types of Android phones and works without the Internet and provides users with many advantages:
اية The successive and continuous operating characteristic of Al-Raquia Sharia
◄ property recurrence of legitimacy
اية The privacy of working on the background and listening to the legal paper without stopping
◄ The privilege of sharing with friends on various social media programs

◄ Try as closely as possible to do the following:

1- All of you matter to God alone and make sure that he is the healer.
2- Be as pure as possible.
3- Give alms as possible, one day.
4- Keep the five daily prayers in the mosque for men, and the house for women.
5- Reading supplications daily, morning and evening.
6- Reading Surat Al-Qarah in full every day once, and Yaseen and As-Saffat daily 3 times.
7- Reading Surat Al-Ikhlas and the two sins continuously.
8- Bring the intention to guide and leave the guard.
9- Listen to ruqaya as possible.
10 - Repeat continuously. "My God is gracious, there is no god but He, upon Him, I trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne, there is no god but God alone.
11- Praying on the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on the day (1000) times.
12- Praying and investigating the times of the answer, and do not forget your parents and Muslim brothers, the living and the dead.

We are pleased to receive your suggestions and comments, whether by commenting or correspondence in the message box, and do not forget to vote on the program, may God accept from us and from you the benefit of business.