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SPIN Safe Browser: Web Filter
Safe web browsing with built-in filtering to protect you from harmful content.
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07/07/2024 00:39:18

Thank you for app

07/04/2024 08:42:46

A lot of bugs

0 0
By Anivia
07/04/2024 03:30:52

I keep getting the error: VPN or Proxy Sites: Websites that allow bypassing website filtering or monitoring. Even for CHURCH websites!! I honestly love the app...a lot!...but this has been incredibly annoying and makes the app useless and unusable. The minute this major issue is fixed (and I don't mean telling me to "subscribe to Spin+") I will change my rating to 5 stars.

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Thanks for your review. At the moment, we are using the Proxy category as a placeholder. A recent change now blocks any website that is new to our database. A new blocking screen will allow you say if you trust this website with a thumb up / thumb down. You’ll be able to unblock or keep blocking the new domain instantly. Coming very soon.

07/04/2024 03:29:51

wwwwaw, what an extraordinary browser. It's an exceptionally amazing experience, I highly recommend it.

07/04/2024 02:38:01

There are some webs that are good for all They are also blocked

07/02/2024 10:49:10

good luck

07/01/2024 22:39:04

Stop blocking stupid stuff you shouldn't block. Very frustrating app.

0 0
06/27/2024 19:23:33

Will find out if it helps 'false' advertising tho. Doesn't have an option to export everything from other browser as advertised for premium

1 0
By Ash T
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

Thanks for your review - we advertise that you can export your SPIN Safe Browser bookmarks. Not other browser's bookmarks ;)

06/20/2024 19:49:22
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 reviews